What to take with you for a visit

During the holidays, we often go to visit. And, of course, not empty-handed. What to bring with you, so that it is appropriate and the owners like it?

“Good wine and food to the table are the best presents,” connoisseurs of etiquette affirm. This could be:

  • cake,
  • candies,
  • cheese for slicing on the table,
  • fruit,
  • juice,
  • delicious pastries such as eclairs.

Only homemade cakes can compete with these classic gift options. A souvenir from your oven will be greeted with a bang! It is also acceptable to present a meat dish or an interesting salad.

If there is a child in the house, be sure to give him a present, depending on the age. However, don’t spend large sums. Strict minimalism is the best solution.



  • fresh fruits such as green apples,
  • homemade cakes,
  • juice,
  • baby food in banks,
  • dried fruits in chocolate,
  • Kinder Surprise.

The last point is the most controversial. Since a number of babies are allergic to sweets. And many parents are simply trying to protect their children from chocolate.

What to take with you if you find yourself …

  • In Europe: give flowers, candy and wine. It is customary in Wales to bring bread and cheese with you. And once in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in no case give alcohol or pork.
  • In the U.S.: along with a bottle of wine – the American minimum program – grab a dessert or an appetizer to the common table. 
  • South or Central America: a typical present for the owners is baked goods, sweets or chocolate, alcohol. To make sure you like what you bring, take imported goods, here overseas goods fill their own price because of the special tax on them. 
  • In China: give tea or fruit. Oranges, which symbolize health or the popular strawberry in China, are perfect. The main thing is that there are not four fruits (in Chinese it is consonant with the word “death”) and not a multiple of four. 
  • In the middle east: Suitable for baked goods, sweets and fruits. You should not carry alcohol to the table, and it is better to give a gift to a man.

By the way, in many countries there is a “right hand rule”. This means that the donor must hand over his present with his right hand or with two at once.

And if you happen to be the hosts, do not forget to open the brought wine or food, offer them to the guests and be sure to praise them. 

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