Although many people still work remotely, many companies are gradually returning to the traditional, stationary model of operation or implementing a hybrid mode of operation. It is of key importance for employers to properly prepare their offices and to ensure the safety of their employees. What must not be forgotten?
Remote vs. stationary work in the era of a pandemic
In the era of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we have learned to work in a slightly different reality. According to a survey conducted by Nexere, in 2020, 63% of employers allowed their employees to work remotely. Interestingly, more than half of the respondents stated that such a model of functioning did not contribute to a decrease in their effectiveness. However, not everyone likes working remotely. 30% of respondents noticed a decrease in productivity and for these people returning to the office could be beneficial due to, inter alia, more effective teamwork or easier separation of home and work responsibilities.
In addition, some industries cannot afford to close their plants and move their business to the virtual world. The home office will not be used by e.g. production and warehouse employees, whose presence in the company is necessary for the smooth functioning of the enterprise. In such cases, the priorities are, first of all, strict hygiene, wearing masks, frequent disinfection, and maintaining an appropriate social distance. No employer wants to risk the safety of his employee, because it exposes him to additional costs related to, inter alia, with: the necessity to organize a replacement, employment and training of a new subordinate or delays in the implementation of orders or production.
Chief Labor Inspectorate published guidelines on maintaining an appropriate level of occupational health and safety during a pandemic. This institution also has the right to control and verify the degree of fulfillment of obligations imposed on employers.
Return to offices after a pandemic – what to remember?
Preparation of work stations
Before returning employees to stationary work, it is necessary to consider what the principles of the company’s operation have looked like so far. It is important to prepare for the reorganization of some of them, as well as for the introduction of new restrictions. Workstations should be thoroughly cleaned with disinfectants and positioned in such a way as to ensure a safe distance (e.g. 1,5 meters) between employees. If there is such a possibility, it is worth investing in acoustic cabins, which not only increase the safety of the employee, but also ensure freer and quieter work.
In the era of modern technologies, a good solution in the workplace is to create videoconferencing rooms that will allow you to reduce frequent delegations and stationary meetings.
Necessary disinfection
Hand disinfection and regular surface cleaning are still essential. According to the latest research, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, depending on environmental conditions, is able to survive on the surface of furniture for up to several days. Therefore, before employees return to the office, a detailed air-conditioning check should be performed, and all available surfaces should be decontaminated (with a agent containing, among others, 60% alcohol). Moreover, each employee should be equipped with their own personal protective equipment, including gels and wipes, as well as protective masks.
Hybrid model
One of the ways to reduce the risk is also to work in a hybrid model (remote-stationary). It is worth suggesting to employees that they can work remotely a few days a week, and on the rest – stationary. This way, there are not too many employees in the office at the same time, which reduces the likelihood of transmission of the virus.
Contamination procedures
It is a good idea to prepare for a scenario in which one or more subordinates test positive for COVID-19 infection. It is then necessary to send the sick to quarantine and ensure the safety of other employees, especially those who had direct contact with them.
Coronavirus tests for every employee
Employers must not forget about the need to monitor their subordinates’ health. Testing is extremely important because it allows for quick diagnosis of the infection, limits the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 virus, and in the case of serological tests, it provides information about the presence of antibodies that may indicate the acquisition of resistance to COVID-19. All this translates primarily into the smooth operation of the company, as well as the sense of security of the employer and employees.
Thanks to the uPatient service, you can order several types of tests (genetic tests performed using the Real-Time PCR method, rapid antigen tests and serological tests for antibodies) that allow you to detect an ongoing or past infection. The tests are performed at the workplace or at the employees’ homes. This increases the comfort and safety of the team, and also allows the company to continue operating.