What to read in January: a selection of Psychologies

Winter reading. Cozy, warm or a little ticklish. Our columnist Natalya Lomykina has selected books with different characters and moods.

To believe in yourself

“The Mysterious Leonardo” and “The Mysterious Raphael” by Costantino d’Orazio

Talking about the titans of the Renaissance, the Italian art historian focuses on their personal qualities. Leonardo is known as an engineer-inventor, painter, architect… He rarely completed projects: he quickly lost interest and switched to something else.

Rafael, on the contrary, was a time management genius and purposefully built a career. Conclusion? Go about your business in the way that is convenient for you, and this is the key to success. Describing the characters of geniuses, d’Orazio does not forget to analyze the cultural context and the work of the artists themselves.

Translation from English by Irina Yaroslavtseva. Bombora, 304 p., 442 rubles. and 224 p., 358 rubles. respectively.

About Love

“Days of Savely” by Gregory the Servant

The debut of a talented actor is a story about life and love, which is led by … a cat. Saveliy is smart, observant, freedom-loving and capable of deep feelings. If you have long suspected your pet of human feelings, this humorously written book will enhance the impression.

Edited by Elena Shubina, 384 p., 500 rubles.

For the sweet life

“Happiness smells like cinnamon” Tata Chervonnaya

Cooking delicious food is a great way to share happiness with those you love, says food photographer, culinary specialist and insta-blogger Tata Chervonnaya. Her ideas for family feasts are reminiscent of the comfort of grandma’s kitchen, the joy of being with loved ones.

Eksmo, 176 p., 800 rubles.

About family happiness

Chronicle of the Casalet Family by Elizabeth Jane Howard

An unhurried saga in the best traditions of the Forsyte Saga and Downton Abbey.

The Casalet family spends the summer of 1937 on a country estate. They dine in detail, discuss everyday affairs, ride horseback. Through this lovingly written routine, their fears and hopes gradually emerge, the gap between the views of fathers and children, jealousy and forbidden passion, acute loneliness and unsatisfied ambitions. With the outbreak of war, the familiar world collapses – and everyone has to make their own choice. Carefree years, Frozen time, Confusion.

Translation from English by Uliana Saptsina, Ksenia Gusakova, Yulia Ryzhkova. Eksmo, 573 pp., 541 pp., 512 pp.; 603 rub. each.

For home comfort

“Visiting Jane Austen” by Lucy Worsley

This non-fiction book will give you more pleasure than a few novels.

Lucy Worsley is a major English domestic historian and a witty young woman who loves Pride and Prejudice. These two passions resulted in the most unusual biography of Jane Austen. Lucy Worsley recreates the writer’s world by exploring the homes where she has lived and worked throughout her life. Worsley shows the passionate Jane, who fought for her freedom and did not agree to love less than Mr. Darcy.

Translation from English by Marina Tyunkina, Yuri Goldberg, Alexei Kapanadze. Sinbad, 528 p., 680 rubles.

For inspiration

“Maestro and Their Music” by John Mauceri

If the question “Why does an orchestra need a conductor?” many of us can still answer, then explain what difference it makes who exactly is behind the console, only a few are capable.

Maestro Moseri, conductor of the Royal Theater in Turin, reveals the intricacies of the profession, explains what it means to read a score and how the performances of an orchestra differ if different people conduct the same program. This is a fascinating story about how to make the world around you sound, and also about the power of silence.

Translation from English by Taira Mammadova. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber, 280 pp., 689 rubles.

For a zest for life

“Arthur Pepper and the Mystery Bracelet” Phaedra Patrick

Arthur Pepper is almost seventy, after the death of his beloved wife, he is not able to cope with life and stubbornly follows the old order, as if Miriam had left for a while. But suddenly, among her things, Arthur finds a bracelet with a certain phone number and … calls on it. Thus begins his strange journey into a part of Miriam’s life that Arthur never knew existed.

Translation from English by Mikhail Shevelev. Sinbad, 384 p., 500 rubles.

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