Gogol, Dead Souls. Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka

Most of us gradually accumulate a large number of old, unnecessary things in the house. It would be necessary to figure it out, but somehow everyone doesn’t reach their hands … It seems to be no longer necessary, but you never know — suddenly it will come in handy sometime? And this is the bear with which I loved to play so much when I lived as a little girl in the country. Can’t I throw it away?

That’s how rubbish piles up.

The same thing happens in our head. Here random events sunk into my memory — why I remember, I don’t know, but somehow it suddenly surfaced … But recently you watched TV shows, do you remember how in the second series Mikhail told Sophia that he no longer believes her, but in fact it’s his girlfriend lied to him! We remember our disputes, we remember gossip old and new, we retell the chatter that happened at dinner at dinner and discuss the dreams we had last night.

They came home from work, passed by a shelf with books, attracted the author. They leafed through, got carried away, immersed themselves, could not tear themselves away, although there were more important things to do … Why? Why have you now put into your head the experiences of these heroes, their quarrels and showdowns, their stupidity and suffering? Why, having filled ourselves with this, are we now sharing these experiences with others? Why do they need it, if it is not clear why we needed it?

And then we went to the store, looked at the prices and asked where similar models could be now. In the evening, the TV was turned on again, and it occupied our consciousness for a long time.

Why do we fill ourselves with all this? Why did we load all this into our memory?

Gogol Korobochka kept all sorts of rubbish, because: “What if it comes in handy?” — and turned her house into a junk storage. Restless doubt: “What if it comes in handy?” expression only of fears and anxieties, and not of mind and calculation. If you live by the principle «It’s a pity», your life will soon turn into a garbage dump. By the way, in the neighboring dump, do not hesitate, if you rummage around, you will definitely find something that will come in handy. Will you run to the next garbage dump?

In your head should be only what is necessary, without which you will not be able to effectively move forward. Excess is distracting. Your memory, in order to work for you, must remember only what will be required in the next working situations. Chatter and dreams — will not be in demand, yesterday’s disputes and worries for the deeds that await you tomorrow afternoon, you do not need. Your head should be clean of them.

If these are serious questions, they can and should be considered and serious answers can be obtained. Such: all these negative events must be comprehended, all the necessary conclusions must be drawn in relation to them, after which the final decisions are included in life values ​​and guidelines. There is no task to remember and experience something; there is a task after the incident to grow wiser and next time to act wiser. The beautiful phrase “I will never forget …” should mean one thing: clear instructions to yourself on how to take into account past mistakes in the future, and the principle of remembering is the question:

Does everything you plan to remember work for your future?

You don’t need to keep in your head something that does not help you in life and development, and, on the contrary, it makes sense to load into your head something that will help – even if it’s just fairy tales and fantasies. A memory is only an image marked in our minds as associated with some events, and our memories can be created by ourselves — for tasks that are important to us.

Maybe one of these heroines is you?

One of the participants of the Distance, working with soul on the exercises, in the direction of «Status and Influence» constantly slowed down, as if something was holding her back. And one amazing day she came, as if transformed: smooth gestures and movements, royal posture, soft, but imperious intonations … What happened? What did she do to herself? She spoke about it this way: “I spent all my childhood running with the boys through the yards and through the garbage dumps, and we always looked at adults and beautifully dressed people as something alien, garbage dogs were closer to us. Even when I grew up and changed the company, in the depths of my soul I still felt like some kind of mongrel, I didn’t believe that I was a beautiful and status woman — where did I come from? I decided to change it, I closed my eyes and began to remember my other childhood. Create a new childhood for yourself. I realized that I was the Countess of Suzdal, and I began to construct this image for myself, this legend. And soon, as if in reality, I saw our large and beautiful estate with large meadows and a park, a wide staircase, along which I ran in a light white dress towards my father and mother. I remembered a beautiful hall with large paintings and transparent curtains, where I loved to play the piano, I remembered our dinners at a large table with candles and a huge mirror in front of which I admired myself when I was going to the first ball …

It’s never too late to relive your happy childhood…

In your head, as well as in your home, there should be only what works for your values ​​and interests, what works for your future.

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