What to give on March 8: interesting facts about flowers for your beloved

Bright, fragrant, unexpected and so long-awaited … How else to create a spring mood, if not them, loved ones?

March 4 2016


Аnthurium – on the Rostov market costs from 400 rubles. It is believed that this flower symbolizes male happiness, therefore it is often present in compositions for the stronger sex. However, due to its stately appearance, florists use it in bouquets for mature women. Mom or beloved mother-in-law by March 8 – just right!

Бthe tone of a fresh rose should be full and firm. The soft one suggests that, perhaps, some of the petals have already been torn off or the flower has stood for more than one day.

ВFlower and horticultural exhibitions are held in Rostov in spring and autumn. At the VertolExpo site this year they will take place on April 7-10 and September 22-25. And in the park to them. Viti Cherevichkina (KSK “Express”) – April 14-17 and October 6-9, 27-30.

ГOllandia is considered the progenitor of tulips and is famous for its extraordinary flower plantations. However, choosing between local and Dutch roses, give preference to our beauties, because they have a unique aroma. And the prices for European beauties “bite” – one rose will cost 50-100 rubles, while the Rostov one can be found for 40 rubles.

ДDecorating with flowers is one of the services in the Don flower market. For example, recently, a happy Rostovite bought pink roses for 18 thousand rubles for the discharge of his wife from the hospital. With them, he wanted to put the phrase “Thank you for your daughter!”.

ЕFlowers need to renew their water every day to keep them fresh longer.

ЁA gig of red chrysanthemums is a great gift for March 8 for a daughter, sister or niece. Specialists will fulfill other wishes as well. The price of the issue is from 2000 rubles, depending on the size of the composition. Keep in mind: on the days before the holidays, the cost of crafts can rise by 500-1000 rubles. Most often, Rostovites order hares, kittens and bears.

Жyellow flowers, according to the prevailing acceptance among the people, are given to parting. In fact, this color is a sign of prosperity and wealth.

ЗYou can order flowers in advance. Even if it is not the season for a flower now, it will be brought to you from warm countries. In January, orchids and “greenery” for the bride’s bouquet were brought from Israel.

Иthe art of creating flower arrangements, bouquets, paintings, and other works using natural materials is called floristry. You can master this science in Rostov at an average price of 7000 rubles for 40 hours in a group. Individual lessons will take 24 hours, but you will have to pay 3 thousand more.

Кrocus, or netted saffron, – pale lilac with black veins on the petals – blooms in the Rostov steppe in late March – early April. He and other primroses are the most fashionable flowers in wedding bouquets in spring.

ЛIlia is often used in complex bouquets. To make these flowers delight you longer, remove the stamens. By the way, their pollen is insidious not only by its intoxicating smell, but also by stains on clothes. There is almost no chance to wash such a “gift”.

МIt is better to choose an imosa from a closed box from a packed armful: as soon as a cut flower comes into contact with air, it begins to fade. A properly chosen plant, placed in water at room temperature, will retain the fluffy “balls” throughout the day. Today on the market you can buy Sukhumi mimosa at a price of 50 to 100 rubles per branch.

Нnatural leg – these are the wishes of the buyers in the Rostov markets. Bouquets on a “microphone” – a plastic rod into which flowers are inserted, are a thing of the past.

ОIn an experimental way, Rostov flower sellers tried to find out how to preserve the freshness of plants for the longest time. Sugar, vodka, chemical makeup, which is sold in shopping centers, were added to the water. The roses stood for the longest time in ordinary water.

ПThe first sign of spring in Rostov gardens is the blooming of witch hazel. It is native to Southeast Asia, blooms when all nature is still asleep. For buds, frost up to -12 degrees is not terrible!

Рezinka on a tulip is a sign of a stale flower. It will immediately open in the warmth and will soon lose its petals. Already, tulips from the Krasnodar Territory have “bloomed” on flower counters. Give 50-70 rubles for a little thing. Keep in mind: any fresh flower has a dense bud and elastic foliage without dark spots and signs of wilting. It is better to choose tulips that “hide” glasses in greenery – they will stay in the vase longer.

Сok some plants are “poisonous”. For example, daffodils, tulips, hyacinths, hippeastrum. It is undesirable to put such representatives in the same vase with other flowers, otherwise they will quickly fade.

ТYou can admire the Bieberstein and Gesner julps during their flowering from April 15 to May 15 in the protected zone of the Rostovsky reserve. You will be taken along a special route to the tulip peninsula and the shores of the Lopukhovatoe salt lake. Information can be obtained by phone: (86375) 31-4-10, 34-0-10.

An alternative to a bouquet is a potted plant. For example, hyacinth – from 150 rubles

УAcetic or citric acid is also used by Rostov florists to disinfect water and extend the life of the bouquet. You need to add them to the water until the water tastes a little sour.

Фthe box (beads, baskets) in an ensemble of flowers is not popular among Rostovites. The simpler, the better: donors often choose paper packaging or in a transparent film – without decor.

ХOlod is the best friend of cut roses. Make sure that there are no heating appliances or drafts in the apartment next to the flowers. And you can add pieces of ice to the water. However, when buying, keep in mind: if the plants have stood outside at above-zero temperatures below 10 degrees, such a gift will not last long.

ЦEena for flowers on the eve and on the day of the women’s holiday grows by 100-150%. You can save money by going to the wholesale market on Beregovoy Street, 6.

ЧI eat more water in a vase with tulips, the faster the bud ripens and the shorter its life. It is best if the stems of the flower are submerged in water for 3 centimeters.

«Шthe chicken “question always worries Rostovites, therefore it is customary to bargain on the markets. On a bouquet costing about 500 rubles, they can give you 50-100 rubles, and on compositions with expensive exotics in 2500-5000 rubles, feel free to ask to drop 300-500!

Эexotic flowers retain their leadership in price. So protea, or African rose, costs an average of 700 rubles apiece, strelitzia – from 890 rubles, ginista, Japanese mimosa, about 500 rubles. These plants are rare on the Rostov market – sellers are in no hurry to get involved with such expensive flowers, preferring the usual roses and tulips.

ЮThe other countries – Ecuador, Colombia, Kenya – are the main suppliers to the Rostov market of roses, chrysanthemums, peonies in the cold season.

Яthe language of flowers is not popular in Rostov. For example, a bouquet of adonis that tells a girl that she is cute will most likely seem rustic. And red carnations meaning “I admire you” will surely look out of place.

Julia Vasilieva, Julia Dmitrieva

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