What to give a girl for her birthday at 11 years old, who has everything: ideas for a friend
At the age of 11, many girls begin to grow rapidly, growing up before our eyes. Their interests change, often they themselves do not know what they want – dolls and toys are no longer interesting, and the adult world of fashion, jewelry and cosmetics is still not entirely clear. It is better to think in advance about what to give a girl for her birthday at 11 years old.
When choosing a gift, you must take into account the tastes of the birthday girl and her hobbies.
What to give a girl for her birthday at 11, of course, a new tablet or a dress
If the girl cares most about her appearance, you can give her:
- baby cosmetics and perfumery;
- decoration;
- a certificate for the purchase of clothes in your favorite store.
You can buy a beautiful umbrella or a stylish, trendy handbag, jewelry or cosmetics box.
A clever girl will be happy to receive a new smartphone or tablet, digital camera or player at the age of 11.
For her 11th birthday, you can give your beloved friend a set for creativity. Who, if not you, know what your girlfriend is fond of. If she likes to weave baubles, bracelets and jewelry, the best gift would be a set of colorful beads. For lovers of embroidery, there are beautiful kits with pictures and threads for cross stitching.
The most important thing for a birthday girl is to see friends at her holiday, and what they will give is most often secondary. The priority is always a good mood, attention and loyal friendship.
If your friend doesn’t have a certain hobby, you can buy her a beautiful diary in which she can write down her thoughts and plans. There are even diaries with a lock and a key so that no one can penetrate the secrets revealed on paper.
What to give to a girl who has everything
For some girls, new experiences are paramount. Therefore, a symbolic keepsake can be hidden, and his search can be turned into an exciting game.
As a keepsake, you can give a beautiful and cute toy, a board game, a souvenir or a handmade decoration.
To start the game, the gift is hidden in the birthday girl’s house or placed in a cell in a nearby supermarket. They make clues in advance, leading to one another. In order to find out the next answer, they guess puzzles, play games, perform some tasks. The main thing is to have fun. The last clue will lead to the cherished goal.
To choose a good birthday present for a girl at the age of 11, you need to take into account her hobbies and needs, the wishes of her parents. Some girls need attention and new experiences, and gifts are of secondary importance.