What to give a boy for his birthday 12 years old: who has everything, inexpensive

What to give a boy for his birthday 12 years old: who has everything, inexpensive

For his birthday at 12 years old, a boy can be presented with original things or events that will be remembered for a long time. Proceed from the addictions of the child himself, so as not to spoil his holiday.

A gift for a child who has everything

There are situations when, from childhood, a boy gets everything that only appears on sale. He cannot be surprised with a branded item or gadget. He traveled all over Europe with his parents and visited fashionable resorts. What else can you surprise such a child with? Ask him yourself. Perhaps there are hidden desires that were not destined to be fulfilled earlier.

The most reliable thing is to give a boy for his birthday 12 years old what he wants himself

The surprise must be unusual. Give him an experience he doesn’t expect, an emotionally charged sight or a trip:

  • an excursion to an old Russian city or a visit to the local history museum, imbued with history;
  • museums and exhibitions related to military topics;
  • a certificate for flying in a fighter;
  • fishing with songs near the fire;
  • visiting an orphanage with gifts for kids;
  • excursion to a bakery or a dairy farm;
  • emotional performances in the theater;
  • participation in volunteer activities;
  • acquaintance with the business of dad or mom.

If you manage to “stir up” the boy, oversatiated with gifts, he may discover a lot of new things.

It will be a gift for the child if the parents leave him the right to choose a future profession or support his hobby. The boy dreaming of a career as a restaurateur will enjoy a master class from a famous French chef.

How to choose an inexpensive gift for a teenager

The age of 12 is quite difficult for both the child and the parents. The boy feels the need to feel like an adult and, most likely, he will be upset by buying warm but unfashionable clothes for his birthday.

To please your son, give him the opportunity to show independence. If it is expensive to organize a party in a cafe, set the table for the children at home, and go on a visit or to the cinema yourself.

Try to find out from your son a list of things that he is ready to consider as a gift and choose from it the one that suits the price. If there is no list, then buy yourself:

  • T-shirts with prints;
  • Sports Equipment;
  • game console;
  • constructor;
  • board business game;
  • a certificate for a master class related to a hobby;
  • football tickets;
  • 3D pen.

There are joke souvenirs and funny gifts in the form of a “running away” alarm clock. The gift can be “strengthened” by the new “rights” of the child. Think about what you could allow the boy now. Don’t worry, in 2-3 years he won’t even ask you this.

A gift should bring joy not only to the donor, but also to the child. It is possible that a growing up boy will ask you to give him money for a thing that he will buy himself.

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