What to eat to lose weight. How to eat healthy and lose weight?

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How to eat healthy and lose weight at the same time – this is one of the most frequently asked questions among people who would like to change their eating habits while accelerating their metabolism. Therefore, we decided to check what to eat and how to eat to lose weight so that weight loss does not mean health problems. We propose solutions that will prevent the yo-yo effect.

Healthy weight loss – what is it?

Healthy weight loss does not mean introducing a restrictive diet and intensive exercise in order to reduce body weight as quickly as possible. It is usually associated not only with the yo-yo effect, but also with malaise, lack of strength, irritability and apathy. Often times, people who are on a restrictive cleansing diet due to the reduced number of calories do not provide the body with the vitamins and minerals it needs. If we want to get rid of adipose tissue, this diet will not bring long-term effects.

  1. Learn 10 facts about adipose tissue

Healthy weight loss is about changing your eating habits, which is often combined with a lifestyle change. The main issue is rational nutrition, which will provide us with strength and meet the basic needs of the body with the possibility of reaching for our favorite snack without remorse.

How to optimize your diet?

Optimizing the diet is a long process, the more so if the current daily menu includes products that do not provide the body with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. For this reason, we should first of all pay attention to the proportions of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in each meal. However, we should not be influenced by the opinions of other people, because the appropriate diet should be optimized according to individual factors, which include:

  1. age,
  2. płec,
  3. increase,
  4. weight,
  5. lifestyle,
  6. the level of physical activity.

Taking into account these six factors, we are able to optimize the diet in such a way as to make permanent changes without risking the yo-yo effect.

What is the effect of food on metabolism?

Metabolism, also called metabolism, has a huge impact on how quickly we can lose body fat. This process is regulated by the thyroid gland, so people who have autoimmune diseases (hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s disease, hyperthyroidism, insulin resistance) should first have a thyroid test if the effects of diets (even restrictive diets) are not visible.


It turns out that the metabolism is not influenced by the frequency of meals. The most important factor in this matter is the amount of calories consumed, as well as the caloric threshold of meals, which can be measured by checking how long it takes between eating certain foods and feeling hungry.

In the aspect of accelerated metabolism, we should remember that eating should not be a punishment or compulsion, but a pleasure – a change in attitude has a significant impact on changing the lifestyle, and thus reducing body weight.

How to eat to lose weight?

At the beginning, it should be emphasized that the popular rule of eating five smaller meals a day does not have a significant effect on the metabolism. There is no ideal frequency of taking the products, because everyone has a different lifestyle. As already mentioned, the number of calories consumed is of the greatest importance in this regard. If we want to make changes to our daily menu, we can start by imposing a five-meal regime, but they should be primarily a source of vitamins and minerals.

Often a restrictive diet is also accompanied by intense training. After exercising, we should also pay attention to the products we eat so that the caloric balance is negative. This rule is extremely important, especially for people who think that after training they can eat a more caloric meal (e.g. fast-food), which is not a good solution, because after intensive training, we should choose products that will allow the body to regenerate.

What to eat to lose weight?

Contrary to accepted opinions, fats should not be excluded from the diet if we want to reduce body weight. However, you should pay attention to their type. Healthy fats will provide the body with energy that will be needed to burn tissue during training or intense mental work.

  1. What are saturated fats?

The key element of the diet, however, should be protein that allows you to provide fewer calories to the body. Fiber turns out to be important in this case. On the other hand, you should limit the consumption of simple sugars, which are mainly responsible for the accumulation of adipose tissue.

At Medonet Market you will find products rich in fiber from Pro Natura, e.g .:

  1. Ryżuski – rice flakes,
  2. Otrębuski – whole grain flakes,
  3. Spelled flakes,
  4. Roasted millet flakes,
  5. Baked buckwheat flakes,
  6. Oatmeal,
  7. Baked oatmeal,
  8. Barley flakes,
  9. Breakfast rye flakes,
  10. Breakfast wheat flakes,
  11. Spelled crisps.

Meat and dairy products in the diet

Due to its complex structure, the protein, which is primarily a component of meat and dairy products, is digested for longer, which is associated with a longer feeling of satiety. In addition, it significantly increases postprandial thermogenesis. Research shows that consuming 25-30 percent. protein during the day reduces the desire for evening snacking. Foods rich in protein include:

  1. Lean meat – chicken, turkey, beef, pork (e.g. pork loin),
  2. Fatty fish – rich in omega-3 fatty acids: salmon, tuna, mackerel, sea crustaceans,
  3. Eggs,
  4. Cottage cheese,
  5. Cottage cheese.

The nutritionist explains: What is the best fish to eat in the Baltic Sea?

Vegetables that help speed up your metabolism

Vegetables are a treasury of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that affect not only the weight loss process, but also the condition of the skin and well-being. Besides, due to their low caloric density, they can be eaten practically without restrictions. Vegetables mainly contain water and dietary fiber, which improves the functioning of the intestines. However, it is not conducive to the absorption of vitamins and minerals, which should also be remembered.

Excess fiber can even lead to anemia. For this reason, its daily dose should not exceed 20-40 g per day. Vegetables worth including in your daily menu include:

  1. Carrot,
  2. Broccoli,
  3. Brussels sprouts,
  4. Asparagus,
  5. Cabbage,
  6. Celery,
  7. Cauliflower,
  8. Green peas,
  9. Botwinka.

Do you want to control the weight and proportions of meals? Go to Medonet Market and order a kitchen scale to weigh your products and quantify their nutrients.

Worth reading: The pill will not replace the health benefits of broccoli

What fruit is worth eating?

Due to the fact that fruits contain simple sugars, it is worth limiting their consumption, at least at the initial stage of weight loss. One of the most common myths about fruits is which part of the day they should be eaten. The time of day, however, has no effect on their metabolism. Among the most filling fruits are blueberries, which are often part of a nutritious breakfast:

  1. Strawberries,
  2. Raspberries,
  3. Berries,
  4. Blueberries,
  5. Cranberries,
  6. Cherries.

It is also worth mentioning the grapefruit, which is a very filling fruit. It has a positive effect on lipid levels, balancing blood sugar levels. The bitter taste of grapefruit is due to the white peel in which there is naringin, which has antioxidant properties.

  1. What is the grapefruit diet?

Seeds in a slimming diet

The diet of people who are slimming should include primarily legume seeds (beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas). They provide the body with protein and dietary fiber that have a positive effect on metabolism.

  1. Beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils – the killers of bad cholesterol

Apart from legume seeds, one cannot forget about chia seeds, which at some point became a phenomenon. It is best to add them to oatmeal or yogurt as they saturate the body for a long time.

Healthy in fats – in which products can we find the most of them?

At the outset, it is worth noting that compared to carbohydrates, fat from metabolism is not the cause of adipose tissue. For this reason, it is worth including products with this ingredient in your diet. However, it is worth choosing those with healthy fats:

  1. The fish,
  2. Avocado,
  3. Seeds – pumpkin and sunflower seeds,
  4. Nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds),
  5. Olive oil,
  6. Dark green vegetables (e.g. spinach)
  7. Eggs,
  8. Ground flaxseed,
  9. Legume seeds.

Chilli pepper – why should it be included in a slimming diet?

Chillies contain capsaicin, which works in three ways. First of all, it increases the metabolism and energy expenditure, allowing you to burn up to 30 kilocalories during the day. Moreover, capsaicin turns white fat into its brown form. In addition, by seasoning breakfast with chilli pepper, we reduce the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Drinks and diet – green tea, water with lemon

In a slimming diet, you must not forget about the proper hydration of the body. During exercise, it is worth drinking green tea, which speeds up the weight loss process.

  1. What are the properties of green tea?

It is also important to drink lemon water. However, this is not about accelerating fat burning, but about getting into the habit of regularly consuming fluids.

Exercise and diet – the most important rules

Exercise should be an important part of changing your lifestyle. However, it is impossible to talk about their superiority over diet, because both forms should be equivalent to each other. It is important to know that if we want to lose weight, we must consume less calories than the body burns. This can be achieved by reducing the amount of calories you consume while increasing your physical activity.

  1. How to lose weight? Basic and total metabolism

It cannot be denied that it will be more difficult for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle on a daily basis. They should reduce food consumption by 50-100 calories per day. However, it may lead to malnutrition. For this reason, you should think about exercises that will allow you to burn fat. You can talk to a dietitian and fitness trainer who will suggest the best solution.

Basic principles of healthy eating

Below are some tips for healthy eating that will facilitate the process of losing weight and thus changing your lifestyle:

  1. Eat regularly;
  2. Spice up your meals;
  3. Choose foods rich in vegetable fats;
  4. Control cholesterol levels;
  5. Replace sweets with fruits and vegetables;
  6. Do not forget about regular hydration of the body;
  7. Avoid salt and salt-containing spice mixtures;
  8. Eat whole grain cereal products;
  9. Use herbs to season your dishes;
  10. Alcohol should only be drunk occasionally in small amounts;
  11. Don’t forget about physical activity!

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