What to eat to lose weight?
Spring is the time for diets and emergency weight loss. To get in shape, you need not only to give the body physical activity, but also to eat right.
Experts recommend an integrated approach to weight loss. Tatiana Bozina, a fitness instructor for women of the FitCurves fitness club chain, told how to properly combine physical activity and healthy nutrition to achieve optimal results.
“No matter how difficult it is to resist the temptation to eat something sweet, the diet should be balanced: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, – in this sequence. Nizhniy Novgorod women, like most Russian women, are prone to excessive absorption of carbohydrates, but proteins, as a rule, are not enough.
Good nutrition means five meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between. An important rule: you cannot take breaks between meals for more than three hours.
Many of us start our morning by going to the refrigerator, which is fundamentally wrong. When you wake up, you first need to wake up the body, namely, do a light exercise and drink a glass of water on an empty stomach (you can add lemon juice to the water). And only then eat, preferably within an hour after waking up. Water should be drunk at least 1,5-2 liters per day. By the way, you need to eradicate a rather bad habit of drinking food. Compote after cutlets is bad! It is much healthier to drink a glass of water before each meal. But after eating, you must pause at least 20-30 minutes.
Less sweets – thinner waist
If the desire to lose weight is your goal, and not a momentary desire, you need to change the structure and diet. Above all, eat more protein and reduce your intake of fats and carbohydrates. The body needs carbohydrates as the main source of energy, but they must be consumed in the morning. You should start the morning with porridge, as these are complex carbohydrates that contribute to the production of energy throughout the day, and the desire to eat another candy will be significantly reduced. Buckwheat porridge, oatmeal with fruit (forget about muesli!) Or a small portion of brown rice are especially useful. For those who are not focused on satisfying food receptors, oatmeal in water is suitable. Yes, this is spartan harsh, but it is very effective in helping to lose weight lines.
Lunch is the time for proteins and carbohydrates. Soups, vegetable salads, chicken fillet with a side dish or fish are appropriate here. Protein foods should be selected based on personal preference and time of day. No need to gobble up fried cutlets for dinner, replace them with fish and seafood. Try to cook and eat healthier foods: steamed meat and vegetables, replace pork with poultry. This is delicious, and the body will thank you.
Dinner is the time when all of us, tired after a working day, gather at the table and gorge ourselves, as they say, “from the belly.” You absolutely shouldn’t do this! Overeating is very bad for your figure and overall well-being. Feel free to cut your evening portion by at least half. What is important, you need to eat proteins for dinner, oddly enough. Lean on the fish! Most importantly, do not gorge on 3-4 hours before bedtime.
Snacks between meals are very important. Remember the three-hour rule? You need to eat something every three hours. However, the right snack is not those small portions of “sweets”, but nuts, fruits and dairy products. Forget like a nightmare about instant breakfast cereals, baked goods, white bread, fast food, chips, crackers, bagged juices, soda, chocolate and alcohol.
You can start small: replace buns from the supermarket with homemade baked goods with a minimum of sugar and butter. Don’t forget: less sweets – thinner waist.
The skin has lost its elasticity, and the joints – flexibility? Gelatin will help to solve the problem. Eat more jellied meat, jelly and other foods that contain it.
Find alternatives to your favorite treats, choose healthy treats, eat right throughout the day, exercise – and get the figure of your dreams!
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