What to eat cognac

The answer to this question depends entirely on what kind of cognac we are talking about. If we are talking about genuine French Extra Old class drinks or vintage and collectible grape brandy made using cognac technology in the post-Soviet space, then, of course, it is simply contraindicated to eat them with anything. These noble drinks are slowly savored after a meal, as an exquisite digestif.

Another thing is authentic cognacs and their trustworthy post-Soviet counterparts, aged in barrels for up to five years. Such cognac can and should be served at the table. When drinking such alcohol, a quite appropriate question may arise: “What to eat cognac with?”. The answer is below.

Snacks to cognac

The best light snacks for cognac are: hard cheeses, low-fat pates, various seafood, salmon slices, canapes with caviar, vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil, and olives.

Among the hot dishes, in this case, lean white meat (poultry, game, lamb or veal), cooked without spices, prevails. Fish, on the other hand, is highly undesirable.

The best desserts are: dark chocolate or sweets prepared on its basis, as well as ice cream, whipped cream and fruits of temperate latitudes (pears, apples, melons, grapes, etc.). Some gourmets also offer all the same hard cheeses as a dessert snack for cognac, but this time with melted honey.

Exclude from cognac snacks so familiar to us lemon. Eating lemon, we significantly dull our taste perception and, as a result, we are unable to appreciate the richness and versatility of the cognac bouquet in all its unique fullness.

Relevance: 20.09.2015

Tags: brandy and cognac

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