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Regular exercise is a good way to improve your health, fitness and overall quality of life, which is why more and more people are trying to do it. However, it should be remembered that to obtain the desired effects, exercise alone is not enough – the changes should also include the diet. For this reason, the question “what to eat after training?” Becomes an important issue. An appropriate menu will guarantee a better mood, more energy and will help build muscle mass, but its ingredients depend on the type of training, so below you will find several suggestions tailored to its different types.
What to eat after strength training?
One of the most popular forms training there are strength classes designed to increase muscle mass. In this case menu should be based on high-protein dishes that support faster muscle growth. The key to success is the correct order of consumption meals after exercise. The first thing (to be eaten within 30 minutes of the end of training) is a snack consisting of simple carbohydrates – providing them to the body will be an energy boost for the muscles, and most importantly: it will prevent the process of muscle breakdown, i.e. catabolism. Another one dish (they should be eaten within 2 hours from the end of training) recommended for people who prefer strength training, is posiłek high in carbohydrates and protein (for example, boiled chicken breast served with rice), the consumption of which will provide the muscles with building material.
What to eat after evening training?
Evening workouts are often chosen for their convenience and the ability to adjust them to their own working hours, but in their case a question of meals seems not to be obvious. Lots of people think it’s eating meal in the late, evening hours, it will negate the effects of exercise, which is why they often ignore them post-workout meals. This is not the correct way out of the situation. Consumption of wholesome Denmark It is necessary after each training session – regardless of its time. Meal after the evening classes should be light, yet providing the body with the necessary nutrients. Perfect gift intended to be eaten after evening training so it contains simple carbohydrates in the form of pasta, rice or bread. Concerns about the accumulation of carbohydrates in adipose tissue are unfounded, because after intense exercise, the body will use these ingredients for regenerative processes.
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What to eat after cardio training?
Another type that has been popular for a long time training there are cardio exercises. Also in their case diet should be properly selected. Cardio is an exercise chosen largely by people who want to lose weight, which is why the question of what to eat often arises after trainingto lose weight. The answer is simple – first of all, you need to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients. It’s best to stick to a specific pattern:
- it is worth eating fruit immediately after training, which will allow you to replenish the sugar level,
- About 45 minutes after training, eat a wholesome meal consisting of protein and carbohydrates – it is best to avoid fried foods, during intense cardio training, reducing the consumption of fat will allow you to see results faster.
What to eat before training?
Meals eaten after exercise are an important means of achieving the goal of being in good shape and athletic appearance, while exercising, you should, however, pay attention to a comprehensive menu. For this reason, it’s a good idea to think about what to eat before training. Specialists recommend eating light meal with a low glycemic index, thanks to which the body will be fit throughout the exercise. Consumption meals on the other hand, with a high glycemic index will have the opposite effect – it will appear glycemic swing (a sharp jump followed by an equally sharp decrease in energy). Perfect gift eaten before training should contain IG around 15, which will guarantee a slow increase in blood sugar, even and slow distribution of energy, and as a result, no fatigue and problems with concentration. The preferred glycemic index breaks down slightly differently in an accident dishes consumed after training.
General rules for composing meals after training
In contrast to dishes eaten before exercise, after training should be eaten posiłek with a high glycemic index – it will be quickly absorbed by the body, because at this point it is important to quickly replenish energy deficiencies, energy does not have to be decomposed slowly for a long time. By replenishing the glycogen stores in the muscles, you will avoid harmful ketosis. It must be remembered that any physical effort, especially strength exercises, speeds up metabolism, which leads to an increased demand for protein (it can increase by up to 50 percent). For this reason posiłek eaten after completion training should contain the highest quality protein in an amount between 10 and 20 grams. For this purpose, especially lean meat and dairy products are recommended. If, figuring out what to eat after trainingto lose weight, you will start to follow the above tips, it will only be a matter of time before you reach your goal.
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