What to eat after training


For an athlete, the regime is very important – training, sleep and food. Even if you are just starting out, losing weight or gaining muscle mass, you will need to reconsider your self-organization and devote time and energy to proper nutrition.

Burning calories and starving yourself is not the right approach. And even if you do not have a brutal hunger after training, giving your body a refuel, rebuilding muscles and lost fluid is simply a must!

What to eat after exercise to properly help the body to cope with the tasks set for it?



It is advisable to eat within 2 hours after training, but do not immediately run to the refrigerator, barely changing your training shoes to everyday ones. After training, especially strength training, the process of fat burning does not stop, the body spends energy for some time, as if by inertia. It is not necessary to interfere with this process with heavy food, but it is sacrilegious to starve a tired body.


Fats after training, you can not use – they will slow down the absorption of vitamins and minerals. In addition, the body perfectly uses the fat reserves it already has – and this is one of the leading goals of visiting gyms and group aerobic exercises.

In the first half hour, drink water, you can juice or low-fat and unsweetened yogurt, green tea.

You don’t have to eat a lot after exercise carbohydrates… It is believed that they, especially sugar, are able to increase the release of insulin and thus repair damaged muscles faster. But nevertheless, if you are not a performing athlete, it is advisable to moderately get enough of “long-playing” carbohydrates – whole grain bread, fruits.

Protein plays the most important role in muscle recovery and muscle resurfacing after exercise. So, boiled eggs with a salad of fresh vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese on bread or with yogurt with dried fruits in a plate, chicken breast, fish, a side dish of porridge or pasta, kefir or tea. Pick one of these and eat it.

– If you don’t feel like eating at all – make up for the lack of protein with a protein shake or a bar.

– If you train in the evening, then at night you should not get too carried away with a hearty dinner, it is better to have breakfast with a great appetite.

– If protein and carbohydrates do not climb. And you just want to drink, be sure to prepare yourself a nutritious smoothie.

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