What to drink rum with – an overview of drinks and dishes

Thanks to its association with pirates, rum has become one of the world’s most recognizable alcoholic beverages. But for many years a single culture of its use has not been developed. There are many opinions about the most suitable snack for rum and its combination with other drinks. I propose to consider this problem on the basis of our national traditions.

Rum is usually served in thick-walled glasses with ice. It can be drunk in the following ways:

1. No snacks. This method is suitable for true connoisseurs and requires a high quality drink. If you decide to try the taste of real rum, I advise you to buy golden (amber) or dark types of it. They have a pronounced aroma and taste.

The brand of the drink should be well-known, it is almost a guarantee of high and average quality. Brands such as Bacardi (Bacardi), Captain Morgan (Captain Morgan) and Havana Club (Havana Club) are perfect.

Remember that the strength of rum is from 35 to 70 degrees, so drinking it in large quantities without a snack is not recommended. In order not to spoil the taste, you can seize the rum with a piece of bread after each sip.

2. With a snack. Since rum is considered a marine drink, seafood will be the best snack for it. You can serve any fish (except herring), caviar and shrimp on the table. All types of rum (white, gold and dark) go well with meat dishes, such as lean roasts and sausages. You can also cook sandwiches with cheese and herbs. First courses with rum are a rarity.

Dark rum can be eaten with fruits – pineapples, oranges, lemons, melons or apples. It goes well with cigars.

What to drink rum with – an overview of drinks and dishes

Cognac lovers prefer to drink rum with sweet snacks: chocolate, cakes and sweets. In this case, I recommend buying golden varieties of rum, they are great for sweets.

3. As part of cocktails. Light rum of average and high quality is used. The most famous rum-based cocktails are the Mojito and the Planter’s Punch. But these are completely different drinks with their own taste.

4. Mixing with other drinks. First of all, these are juices, for example, cherry, lemon, orange and apple. It is customary to dilute rum with juices in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2 (one part of rum to two parts of juice). From alcoholic beverages, liquors and vermouths are added to rum in the same proportions as juices.

It is better to dilute white varieties of rum with other drinks, as they have a mild taste.

In North America, it is customary to drink rum with cola or coffee, the first option is more youth, the second is for the older generation. Sometimes rum is also diluted with hot chocolate, but the result is a too sweet drink that not everyone likes.

What and how to drink rum with – an overview of the right methods and combinations

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