What to drink in the heat, drinks that quench your thirst

Sometimes you drink and drink, and the thirst only intensifies. Therefore, it is so important to choose the right drink that will refresh, regulate water balance and bring pleasure.

Doctors unanimously advise drinking plenty of water. They even call the exact rate: 30 ml per kilogram of weight. It turns out one and a half to two liters, and even more in the heat. But not everyone can drink this amount of plain water. Fortunately, there are other drinks that quench your thirst well. Specialists of Roskachestvo, for example, advise drinking not only water, but also tea in the heat. But it is better to refuse soda and lemonade, which contain an incredible amount of sugar.

We have collected 9 more drinks that will save you from thirst on a hot day.

No, this is not an ordinary kefir diluted with water, although this is also a good option. This is a drink made from Japanese crystals (they are also seaweed). In fact, these are not crystals, not algae, and they have nothing to do with Japan at all. This is the name for microorganisms, bacterial colonies and yeast. They look like crystals, hence the name. As a result of the fermentation of algae crystals, water kefir is just obtained. By the way, this yeast comes from Mexico.

Such kefir is becoming more and more popular in the world, and it is considered the most powerful natural prebiotic. An excellent option for those who are lactose intolerant, but want to strengthen the immune system. The taste of water kefir is somewhat similar to tan, a carbonated fermented milk drink.

It is not difficult to prepare such kefir. The crystals themselves are sold in pharmacies, convenience stores and online health food stores. And then – just follow the instructions on the package. Usually the recipe is as follows: for a liter of water we take 2 tablespoons of sugar, a tablespoon of crystals washed in a plastic sieve and dried fruits to taste. Raisins, prunes, dried apricots accelerate the growth of bacteria and yeast. Cover the container with gauze and leave the drink to infuse for a day in a bright place. After 24 hours, drain the water, add new water, also diluted with sugar, to the crystals. We are waiting for another 24–48 hours, and the drink is ready!

The drink is not the most delicious, but this is only at first glance! Beet kvass is rich in vitamins and minerals. It improves digestion, the work of internal organs, solves sleep problems, relieves skin rashes. It is also very refreshing in the heat. Make it easy: Cut the beets into slices, put in a jar and cover with water, cover with gauze and leave cool. As soon as bubbles begin to float to the surface, the kvass is ready. A spoonful of honey, lemon, ginger, cinnamon and other ingredients of your choice will help add flavor.

What’s a healthy list without celery? This plant has a beneficial effect on the body: it increases immunity, helps to fight ailments. Celery drinks restore energy level, give a boost of vivacity better than coffee, and are also able to satisfy hunger without harming the figure in the least: they have very few calories. The technology for preparing the drink is the same: in a blender, celery is turned into gruel, then it is diluted with water, juices, kefir. There are a lot of recipes for making a celery smoothie: for a change, you can make a fruit-celery drink or combine the plant with vegetables – carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.

The oldest drink! It is known all over the world under various names: in the USA it is kombucha, and in Russia it is kvass. The drink contains an incredible amount of bioactive substances, probiotics and antioxidants. Chilled kvass is an excellent thirst quencher.

It takes a little tinkering to prepare the drink. Place the mushroom scion in a large glass jar. Separately brew strong tea according to the scheme: take 1 grams of tea leaves for 100 liter of water. Add 60 grams of sugar and let it brew. After the tea leaves have cooled, add the liquid to the mushroom in the jar. Cover with gauze and leave for a few days – 8 to 16 days – in a warm and dark place. In appearance, this is not very aesthetically pleasing, we agree. But can’t aesthetics be neglected for the sake of a delicious and mega-healthy drink?

The benefits of aloe can hardly be overestimated. The drink from this plant is able to relieve fever, improve digestion and the immune system, eliminate intestinal problems, help skin cells in the regeneration processes, has antibacterial properties, it is used as a basis for masks and wraps. But there is one thing: aloe juice has a slight laxative effect, so you should not be too zealous with it.

Aloe juice is prepared as follows: we take leaves with dried out tips, remove the skin – it is bitter, cut the pulp into pieces. As a basis for a drink, you can use water, juice, kefir – almost anything. Put the pulp of aloe in the liquid and let it brew a little.

We are talking, of course, about natural fruit drinks, not sweet purchased ones, with flavors, food colors and stabilizers instead of real berries. A healthy and natural fruit drink should not contain sugar: pay attention to this point when you read the composition of the drink. Morse will not only quickly quench your thirst, but also saturate the body with vitamins, give strength and invigorate.

If you plan on making your own drink, only boil the berries! That is, first you need to squeeze the juice from the berries, grind the resulting cake with sugar (for 300 grams of berries, no more than half a glass of sugar) and boil for 5-7 minutes. Next, strain the drink, cool and pour in the freshly squeezed juice. With this method of preparing fruit drink, the drink will retain all its useful properties.

Kefir, fermented baked milk, tan and ayran, yogurt, varenets – these drinks will perfectly cope with thirst in the heat, enrich the body with vitamins, lactobacilli and antioxidants. They normalize the water-salt balance, improve the digestive tract and strengthen the immune system. The benefits also lie in the low calorie content of drinks, especially if diluted with water.

If possible, it is better to prepare fermented milk drinks on your own, since store ones very often sin with low-quality ingredients and additives. This way you can be sure that you are drinking a drink that will benefit.

It is hot or warm tea in eastern countries that saves people from thirst. With its help, sweating is regulated, so to speak, heat is removed from the body. And warm drinks are absorbed into the blood faster than cold drinks, which means that the feeling of quenching your thirst will come sooner. For us, of course, this method of cooling seems strange, but in fact it works. Add a slice of lemon and a couple of mint leaves to the drink for freshness and you are guaranteed to cheer up!

The classic Russian favorite kvass is an ideal drink for quenching thirst without harm to the body. It’s all about the carbon dioxide and amino acids that make up the natural drink. They contribute to the rapid saturation of the body.

“Kvass is a tonic drink, contains vitamins of group B, vitamin C, which are water-soluble and do not have a depot in our body (unlike fat-soluble A, D, E, K), therefore they must be taken with food every day: they are important for our nervous system and immunity, ”explains the nutritionist of Geneticheskoe Variety LLC based at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, a member of the National Society of Nutritionists of Russia Anna Korobkina.

There are many known homemade kvass recipes. But the most common is kvass made from rye bread. For 400 g of dried rye bread crumbs, you need to take 10 g of mint, put everything in a container and pour 2 liters of hot water. Mix everything, wrap in heat and leave for 5 hours. After the expiration of the time, filter the drink, add 150 g of sugar and 6 g of dry yeast. After – 7 hours of waiting. Leave the container in a dark and warm place. Kvass is ready!

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