What to drink for allergies during pregnancy
According to statistics, over the past twenty years, the number of women who have encountered allergies during the period of bearing a child has increased 6 times. Most often, the disease manifests itself in a mild form: in the form of rhinitis, conjunctivitis or local urticaria. But there are also cases when the next meeting with an allergen turns out to be a critical condition for the life of a woman and a fetus – Quincke’s edema or anaphylactic shock. The situation is further complicated by the fact that many allergy pills cannot be drunk during pregnancy.
How to help a pregnant woman with allergies?
The widespread use of household chemicals, the uncontrolled intake of medicines, the deterioration of the environmental situation are the main reasons for the increase in the number of allergic diseases, or allergies. No one is immune from an acute reaction of the immune system, and in pregnant women it occurs more often than in other people.
Allergies during pregnancy are exacerbated during the flowering period.
Frequent sneezing, nasal congestion, and watery eyes may indicate the development of allergies. Contact and foodborne dermatitis is manifested by rashes and blisters on the skin, redness, itching
What to do if you have an allergy during pregnancy:
- the place of contact with the allergen must be rinsed with warm boiled water;
- the impact of an aggressive agent that provokes allergies should be limited;
- when an insect bites, it is necessary to remove the sting, if any, and apply a cold compress;
- to stop the reaction, you can lubricate the skin with ointment with dexpanthenol or zinc;
- for food allergies, it is best to drink an activated carbon-based enterosorbent;
- if the condition deteriorates rapidly, an ambulance should be called.
What to drink for allergies during pregnancy? It is impossible to take medications without a doctor’s prescription, since many of them negatively affect the development of the fetus, provoke a contraction of the uterus.
There are no absolutely safe antihistamine pills, so the doctor, when choosing a drug, will take into account the ratio of risks and benefits, the duration of pregnancy. In some cases, the gynecologist may prescribe corticosteroids.
The effect of allergies on a child
The placenta reliably protects the baby from the mother’s antigens that cause allergies. This means that the allergic disease that develops in a pregnant woman is not transmitted to the fetus. However, the child in the womb is undoubtedly suffering against the background of the woman’s deteriorating condition.
Antiallergic agents also affect the uteroplacental blood flow. Knowing about the tendency to allergies, it is better for the expectant mother to prevent the disease than to cure it. For example, multivitamins can help support the normal functioning of the immune system.
Important! Sometimes an allergy occurs against the background of a lack of calcium in the body. In this case, the doctor may recommend calcium gluconate to the pregnant woman.
The main goal of therapy for allergies is to eliminate not the symptoms, but the cause, so a woman must definitely undergo an examination and identify the allergen. During pregnancy, and after the birth of a child, it is better to switch to the use of natural cosmetics, safe household chemicals of organic origin.
A pregnant woman should exclude highly allergenic foods from the diet.
All these measures will prevent the development of allergic reactions in the mother, and reduce the risk of allergic reactions in the newborn.