What to drink beer with: suitable snacks + a selection of recipes

The classic Soviet pair of beer and taranka is a timeless combination. But experts in food pairing (the art of competently combining products) are skeptical about it: dried fish does not improve the taste of the drink at all, but simply interrupts it.

In fact, it is recommended to choose your own type of snacks for each type of foam. Shake collected them in this article.

The main rules of beer food pairing

  1. It is optimal to choose not snacks for beer, but beer for snacks.
  2. To combine foamy alcohol and products should be according to one of 3 principles: by the similarity of tastes, by contrast or by the similarity of textures.
  3. It is better to serve light dishes with light beer, sweet ones with malt beer, spicy dishes with hoppy and bitter beer.
  4. Beer is well suited for “cleansing the receptors” after fatty and spicy dishes.

Snack options for different beers

  1. El

    Dried and roasted beef, chicken, horse meat, venison, pork, chicken pate, baked ribs and wings, smoked sausages, aged cheddar, grilled vegetables.

  2. IPA

    Creme brulee, baked red fish, ice cream, cheesecake, spicy dishes, chocolate cake.

  3. Porter

    Chocolate and coffee desserts, beef steak, soft cream cheeses, smoked meats.

  4. Stout

    Clams, hot pork and beef dishes, charcoal and grilled meats, full-fat cream cheese, oysters.

  5. Milk stout

    Chocolate, blue cheese, caramel ice cream, aged gouda cheese.

  6. Pale lager

    Dried and baked fish, Asian cuisine.

  7. dark lager

    Pasta, lamb/chicken skewers.

  8. Wheat beer

    Pork skewers, vegetable and seafood salads, soft goat cheese.

  9. Pilzner

    Fatty fish and meat, sweet sauces.

  10. Universal for all varieties

    Salted pistachios, cashews, sour cream, mashed potatoes with sauce.

And finally – a few simple universal recipes for a beer feast.


Pale classic ale is best paired with main courses. It is great to drink with pizza, fried poultry or pasta. To make the “mixture” the most delicious, do not forget about spices – they are added to food so that the beer also acquires a more piquant shade.

Light wheat beer is used in combination with fruit dishes, vegetable salads and even desserts.

Light beer and seafood can be called a classic combination. Crayfish, dried fish, shrimp or dishes prepared from them are a great addition to a drink with a sour taste.


Dark beer tends to have a vinous or caramel flavor, and therefore pairs better with meat than with fish. Moreover, if you choose salmon or trout, the taste will also be excellent. But it is better not to eat too salty food with dark beer, because the salt will kill its characteristic light bitterness.

Fried chicken, marinated wings or drumsticks, baked ribs are the perfect side dish for dark beer. As a side dish, it is best to use potatoes or other baked vegetables, since beer does not go well with cereals and pasta of different varieties, because it is considered “liquid bread” in itself.


In order not to be mistaken, and to get a truly delicious lunch or dinner, it is important to follow the rule: food is matched to beer, and not vice versa. That is, first you need to choose the type of foam that suits your mood today, and only after that order a suitable snack for it.

If the situation turned out “on the contrary”, the food has already been served, and the beer is yet to be chosen, try to start the dish. In the case when they are too salty, it is better to choose light beers. If spicy or sweet – the beer should be dark. Given the similar compatibility of foam with different types of dishes, you will be satisfied with your meal to the fullest.

It is worth taking into account the characteristics of the human body. Everyone understands that strong beers can quickly get drunk, and therefore, in the absence of such a goal, it is better to choose a dense snack – for example, sausages, meat platters, or even fast food.

Light salty additions are also suitable for pale lager, but only if you are not too hungry.

At the same time, when choosing food, it is best to focus not on classic combinations, but on your own taste. Many people like to drink light beer with meat dishes, and there is nothing strange or reprehensible in this – a person just likes it that way, and that’s the point.

Some connoisseurs prefer not to eat anything “with beer” for the reason that the drink itself is very high in calories, and you can get enough of it to the fullest.

By the way, the most versatile product for any kind of beer is cheese. Yes, it is eaten not only with wine, and there is no need to be surprised. You can use cheese as a separate dish (a plate with different varieties) or as an ingredient in salads. Spicy types, respectively, are consumed with dark beer, and slightly salty – with light beer. It’s definitely worth a try!

Сrispy bacon

What to drink beer with: suitable snacks + a selection of recipes

You can fry bacon in the microwave on a wire rack or in a plate lined with paper towels on top and bottom. Opening the door during cooking is not recommended, the readiness of the dish will be indicated by the fading of hissing and cod.

Method of preparation

  1. We take any amount of bacon.
  2. Cut the meat into thin strips.
  3. Bake one slice for about 1 minute.

Garlic bread

What to drink beer with: suitable snacks + a selection of recipes

One of the homemade versions of classic spicy croutons, tastier and more natural than those sold in stores.


  1. Baton – ½ pc.
  2. Garlic to taste
  3. Vegetable oil – 2-3 drops
  4. Salt – a pinch
  5. Ground black pepper to taste
  6. Parsley to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Grind the garlic, grind with salt, add oil, pepper, finely chopped parsley.
  2. Cut the loaf into thick slices (1 cm), spread with garlic mixture, wrap in foil, send for 10 minutes in a preheated oven.

Ceviche What to drink beer with: suitable snacks + a selection of recipes

A Latin American dish that goes perfectly with wheat beer. Recipe for real men. You can use any fish, but it is better to take trout, pike perch or cod.


  1. Fish – any amount
  2. Lime – 1 pcs.
  3. Red onion, hot pepper, salt, garlic – to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Finely chop raw fish.
  2. Put the slices in a bulk bowl, pour over freshly squeezed lime juice.
  3. If desired, add salt, spices, chopped onions, garlic.
  4. Let the mass marinate for 15 minutes.

Spicy baked wings

What to drink beer with: suitable snacks + a selection of recipes

A juicy and tasty hot appetizer that takes just over 1 hour to prepare. Instead of baking in the oven, the wings can be fried in a pan in hot vegetable oil or grilled.


  1. Chicken wings – any quantity
  2. Flour – for boning
  3. Vegetable oil – for lubrication
  4. Salt, spices, hot sauce – to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Cut raw wings into 3 pieces, put in a deep bowl, season with salt, pepper, sauce, roll well in flour.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with oil, put chicken on it, send it to a preheated oven for half an hour.
  3. Turn the wings over, bake for another half an hour.
  4. Pour generously over the dish with hot sauce, hold in the oven for 5-10 minutes.

Cheese salad

What to drink beer with: suitable snacks + a selection of recipes


  1. Cheese – 100 g
  2. Garlic – 1 Head
  3. Egg – 1 pcs.
  4. Mayonnaise – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  5. Tomatoes, greens – optional

Method of preparation

  1. Finely grate the cheese, squeeze the garlic into it.
  2. Hard-boil the egg, cut into cubes, add to the cheese-garlic mass.
  3. Dress the salad with mayonnaise.

Onion rings

What to drink beer with: suitable snacks + a selection of recipes

Budget snack. Optimal for dark varieties of foam.


  1. Bow – 1 head
  2. Flour – 1-2 tbsp. l.
  3. Egg – 1 pcs.
  4. Pepper, cumin, salt – to taste
  5. Vegetable oil – for frying

Method of preparation

  1. Onion cut into large rings.
  2. Knead the batter from flour, salt and spices.
  3. Fry the rings in oil, in a pan or in a deep fryer.

Сhicken satay

What to drink beer with: suitable snacks + a selection of recipes

An oriental dish with a spicy sauce is the perfect complement to brown ale.


  1. Chicken breasts – 4 pcs.
  2. Peanut butter – 3 tbsp. l.
  3. Soy Sauce – 4 Art. l
  4. Lemon/lime juice – ½ cup
  5. Sugar – 1 st. l.
  6. Ginger, garlic, turmeric, coriander, chili pepper – to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Cut the breasts into strips.
  2. From the rest of the ingredients, mix a thick sauce, pour meat over it.
  3. Keep the chicken from half an hour to half a day, bake on the grill, skewers or in the oven.

Shrimps in wine

What to drink beer with: suitable snacks + a selection of recipes


  1. Shrimp – any quantity
  2. Garlic – 5 teeth
  3. Olive oil – for frying
  4. Lemon juice – 2 tbsp l.
  5. Wine – to taste
  6. Parsley greens – to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Chop the garlic, fry in olive oil.
  2. Peel shrimp, toss in garlic mass.
  3. Add lemon juice, wine and chopped parsley.
  4. Keep on low heat for 5-10 minutes.

Cheese sticks

What to drink beer with: suitable snacks + a selection of recipes

For light beer it is better to choose neutral varieties of cheese, for dark beer – spicy and sweetish. Oil during frying should completely cover the sticks.


  1. Hard cheese – ½ kg
  2. Flour – 0,2 kg
  3. Eggs – 3 pcs.
  4. Milk/water – ½ cup
  5. Bread crumbs – 100 g
  6. Sunflower oil – for frying
  7. Salt, spices – to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Beat eggs with milk, spices and salt.
  2. Add flour to the mixture and mix.
  3. Cut the cheese into slices 1–2 cm wide and 8–10 cm long.
  4. Dip each stick in the egg mixture and roll in breadcrumbs.
  5. Boil the oil in a deep container, fry the sticks in it for 2-5 minutes.
  6. Dry the sticks on a paper towel, eat hot.

Ribs with sauce

What to drink beer with: suitable snacks + a selection of recipes


  1. Pork / beef ribs – 1 kg
  2. Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. l.
  3. Honey – 2 Art. l
  4. Tomato paste – 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Orange juice – 2 tbsp. l.
  6. Mustard – 1 tsp
  7. Garlic, pepper – to taste

Method of preparation

  1. Mix all ingredients except meat.
  2. Pour the marinade over the ribs, leave overnight.
  3. Preheat the oven, bake the meat for about 1 hour, periodically greasing with marinade.

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