What to do with reduced pressure

The expert told how to help yourself with hypotension and what you need to do to improve your condition.

Pressure below 90/60 mm Hg is called low blood pressure and indicates hypotension. In this condition, weakness, high fatigue, light dizziness, headache, decreased concentration, memory impairment are felt. The expert told how to quickly bring yourself to your senses.

 “There are two types of hypotension,” the expert shares. – The first is hereditary and due to asthenic (high growth, thinness, long neck, longitudinally elongated skull, narrow sharply outlined face) physique. The second is a consequence of any disease (anemia, hepatitis, allergies, stomach ulcers, viral diseases, etc.). There is also the so-called overtraining syndrome. It can happen in professional athletes who put a lot of stress on their bodies. Be sure to call an ambulance if you have acute hypotension (a sharp drop in blood pressure): pale skin, weak or fast pulse, rapid shallow breathing, and confusion.

How to quickly build up pressure:

  • Lie down and raise your legs above head levelto improve blood flow to the brain.

  • Sit down with your head as low as possible between your knees. Then drink two glasses of water to relieve dehydration.

  • Take a few light breaths with a mixture of rosemary and camphor oils.

  • Eat something salty. For example, a piece of herring, pickled cucumber, etc. However, this method cannot be used all the time. Otherwise, excess salt can lead to heart failure.

  • Put on compression knee socks. They will reduce swelling in the veins and give an impulse for the movement of blood through the vessels to other organs.

  • Have some coffee. Caffeine will mildly raise blood pressure.

Folk remedies:

To tone the body, you need to take about a month before meals 100 ml 3 times a day the following decoctions: from rose hips, red mountain ash, black currant fruits and leaves, chicory root, medicinal dandelion root. To prepare a drink, you need to take 2 tbsp. l. mixture and pour 400 ml of boiling water over it. Leave to steep for 4 hours.

Basic rules for hypotensive patients:

  1. Exercise stress

    Movement supplies oxygen to the brain and other organs. After a good load, quality sleep is ensured. So you will be in the morning

    feel more invigorated.

  2. Breakfast

    Don’t skip your morning meal. Include carbohydrates in it. A piece of dark chocolate is best for tea.

  3. Coffee

    Never drink this drink on an empty stomach. Enjoy an invigorating cup after a light breakfast.

  4. Dream

    If possible, lie down for 15-20 minutes. A quick and deep sleep will help restore strength.

  5. Holidays

    Excessive stress exhausts the body. Allow yourself to relax. Get a massage, take aromatic baths, and be outdoors more often.

  6. Cold and hot shower

    The jets of water disperse the blood through the vessels and activate the metabolism. Be sure to start a contrast shower with warm water. After standing under it for 10-15 seconds, switch to cold. Then again on a warm one. And so 3-4 times. At the end of the procedure, rub your body with a towel. Reduce the cold water temperature by 1-2 degrees every two days.

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