What to do with low pressure

“When you suddenly get out of bed and it gets dark in your eyes, the universe slows down, the world does not have time to load.” This popular joke on social networks is especially understandable for hypotonic people – people with low blood pressure. It is they who most often suffer from darkening in the eyes, weakness, dizziness.

Low pressure: what to do?

There is an opinion that high blood pressure – hypertension – poses a particular danger to human health. Hypotension is less commonly reported. It is even believed that this is not a problem at all: they say, drink coffee and everything will pass. In fact, low blood pressure is a serious condition. How to deal with it?

First you need to decide what kind of pressure is considered normal. Just 10-15 years ago, doctors were unanimous: 120/80. However, now the concept of the norm is much more blurred. Experts admitted that pressure in different people can be “normal” in a very wide range. For example, I feel great at 90/60 pressure. And my friend cannot get out of bed if the numbers on the tonometer fall below her “norm” 110/80. Conventionally, doctors consider low blood pressure values ​​below 100/60 mm Hg. in men and below 95/60 mm Hg. among women. The so-called physiological hypotension is also quite common. With it, against the background of low blood pressure, a person feels great, he has normal performance, there are no complaints.

Low blood pressure is not always the result of some kind of injury or illness. Some experts distinguish between primary and secondary forms of hypotension. In the first case, the reasons for the low pressure are unclear. It is assumed that heredity plays a significant role (as a rule, if one of the parents suffers from low blood pressure, the risk of developing hypotension in children is very high), nutrition, stress on the body. Medical practice shows that women suffer from low blood pressure more often than men. In a group of particular risk, young thin girls, lovers of dieting, expectant mothers, as well as adolescents during a period of rapid growth.

If we talk about secondary hypotension, it is understood that the cause of low blood pressure is in some kind of disease. This can be heart disease, metabolic disorders (for example, diseases of the adrenal glands or pituitary gland), dehydration, medication (some drugs can provoke a “drop” in blood pressure).

Low blood pressure provokes many unpleasant symptoms

What symptoms should alert you and provoke you to go to the doctor? First of all, low blood pressure is a violation of the blood circulation in the brain. Therefore, headaches are a frequent “friend” of hypotonic patients. The pain, as a rule, aching, dull, is located in the temporal or occipital region, many hypotonic people suspect that they have migraines. People suffering from low blood pressure, like their “brothers” hypertensive, react violently to a sharp change in weather and fluctuations in the magnetic background.

Darkening in the eyes and frequent dizziness, especially with a sharp change in the position of the body in space, are usually complemented by rapid fatigue. Hypotonic people get tired quickly, activity decreases markedly by the end of the working day. Low bottom pressure also affects the psychological state. Hypotensives are scattered, prone to mood swings, irritable. In special cases, there is a tendency to depression. People with low blood pressure often feel short of breath and often yawn. Hypotensive people often complain of numbness and coldness of the arms and legs.

How to balance blood pressure?

What to do with low pressure? The complex of measures to combat includes four areas: lifestyle changes, physiotherapy, medication and the use of natural pressure stimulants. It should be noted that in 70% of cases, doctors limit themselves only to the correction of daily habits in the field of physical activity and nutrition of the patient. And it works!

Simple rules for hypotonic:

1. Movement, movement and more movement. Physical activity regulates blood supply, improves the supply of oxygen to all organs.

2. Correction of the diet. Hypotensive patients should not overeat. Food should be light (goodbye, fried and fatty!), But rich in all the necessary elements and vitamins.

3. Discretion in drinking coffee. People with low blood pressure cannot live without this invigorating drink. The catch is that coffee has a short-term effect, followed by dehydration and, as a result, a decrease in pressure. It is best to limit your coffee intake to one mug a day.

4. Ability to rest. Hypotensives do not respond well to stress and overwork. Therefore, try to avoid “acute” situations that provoke negative emotions. Learn to relax.

Medication and physiotherapy procedures can only be prescribed by a doctor. If you are wary of medicines, you can turn to the experience of traditional medicine. Tinctures of Eleutherococcus, ginseng, hawthorn, Schisandra chinensis have a tonic effect.

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