What to do with a child’s poor memory

In this case, you need to take comprehensive measures:

1. Balanced daily routine. “Regular” children, living according to a correctly drawn up schedule with alternating mental, physical activity and rest, are active, cheerful, easier to perceive and remember new information.

2. Good nutrition. The child’s menu should be enriched with a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. Pay special attention to foods that are rich in iodine. It is possible that the lack of seafood in the diet caused a weakening of memory.

3. Sleep. Children should sleep at least 10 hours a day. In the evening, too vigorous activity should be excluded.

4. Communication as the key to the development of speech, attention and memory. You should not ignore the endless questions of the baby, moreover, it is important to ask him questions. The more new words a child learns from communication with parents, the better his memory develops.

5. Training memory. Every day you need to memorize with your baby any quatrain, saying or proverb, turning classes into a game. But don’t just learn – repeat the text every other day, every other week. It is worth paying attention to the development of visual and associative memory.

It is important not to miss any of the points listed. The problem with bad memory can be solved only in a comprehensive manner.

Finally, the main thing is to create a harmonious interaction between parent and child, eliminating complaints and reproaches. Even if the child initially has a poor memory, only the comfortable conditions and attentiveness of adults, coupled with patience, will give the result.

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