Is it icy and windy outside? Don’t worry, you can have fun at home too! Psychologist Daria Belousova and adaptive physical education instructor Evgeny Turukin offer 10 fun games that will diversify your family leisure.
The game is a space that allows everyone to try on a new role. For example, to become a bully-pirate or a knight-savior, an evil witch or a beautiful princess for a while. Give children the opportunity to be who they want to be. And at the same time, let your inner child wake up.
1. «Zoo»
One participant depicts an animal from the zoo: how it walks, what sounds it makes. And others guess who he guessed.
2. «Shuttle»
Who will quickly shift or transfer objects from one basin to another? What if there are obstacles along the way? You can use rope or pillows and build a whole route along which players will carry small gizmos.
3. «Treasure hunters»
Turn the sofa into a ship, and become pirates yourself. But first, someone alone, not from your team, must hide the treasure on the island. Your task is to find it, imagining that the apartment is an ocean and treasures are hidden somewhere in its depths. You can find them in two ways:
- play «hot-cold»;
- create a room plan with clues.
You can complicate the task if you try to move around the house without touching the floor.
4. «Find colors»
The host of the game calls a certain color, and the players must touch all the objects of this color in the room. But you can’t repeat one after another!
5. «Edible-inedible»
We have known this game since childhood: one player pronounces a word and throws the ball, and the other catches it if the word is “edible”, and beats it off if it is “inedible”.
6. «Run, don’t drop!»
Blow up the balloon. Decide where the “start” will be, and where the “finish” will be. Move the balls so that they do not touch the floor. Use for this not your hands, but any materials at hand: spoons, plastic plates, wooden sticks. Jump with the ball between your knees, or pair up and carry the ball between your elbows, cheeks, or thighs. You can’t touch the ball with your hands!
7. «Twister»
For this game, you will need multi-colored circles made of colored paper: you can cut them out yourself and fix them with tape on the floor. Take two bags or two hats. In one bag, place notes indicating: «right hand», «left hand», «right foot», «left foot». And in another bag — notes indicating the color of each circle. As the move moves from player to player, draw notes from the bags and complete tasks by placing your hands and feet on a makeshift field.
8. «Turtles»
Turn into turtles: get on all fours and put a pillow on your back. Get to the finish line so that the shell does not fall. Arrange a turtle competition: let the whole family participate.
9. «Dance with mood»
One player turns on the song and calls out the emotion, while the others dance to show it in motion.
10. «Collecting the Word»
We take sheets of A4 format and write letters on them. We make words and, jumping from letter to letter, we collect them. The fastest one wins.
In the game you will be kinder to each other. As they say, in a happy family, the smallest one always wins. Also, take care of safety. The rules of the game are, of course, subject to change. For example, when they are too difficult for children, an indulgence can be made. But if changes have taken place, all players should know about it in advance. It is not necessary to change the rules within the same horse.
The game allows you to get to know yourself and your loved ones better. While enjoying it, you will be able to speak the same language no matter how old each participant is.