At this moment you must realize that now you are not in charge of thoughts, but they are leading you!
Do you understand? Thought viruses have settled in your head and enthusiastically eat your vitality, and you continue to warm up the killer guests.
Thought viruses have infiltrated your brain and drive cortisol and adrenaline into your body in terrible and destructive doses.
And what are you to do? Learn to take them on. It is not thoughts that turn you around, create a state for you that you did not order, but you sweep them away with your energy, which you begin to unwind. Through I can’t, you pick up the “rotten body” and throw it into battle, begin to cleanse it of “bad blood chemistry”, switching your attention from killer thoughts to simple physical actions.
And if we don’t feed something with attention, it becomes smaller and smaller, smaller and smaller, dissolving and turning into smoke…
To help you:
Occupational therapy. Engage in simple but active physical work. We dry tiles, windows, walls, floors and everything that comes to hand. Draim with force, to his ruddy cheeks and sweaty back. This is very conducive to clearing the brain and knocking out thought viruses from there. You don’t feed the thoughtviruses with your attention, all your attention is on the quality of peeling off.
Physical Education. Running march — on the treadmill or on the stairs in your entrance and up and down, up and down. Again, to their rosy cheeks! All attention is on your breathing and on the rhythmic performance of physical actions.
Dancing! Dance to good music for thirty minutes. Download and vykamarivayte backhand, from the heart! All attention is on your new “pa”, which you will now kick off.
Do you really want to change your state? Then take it and be sure to do something from the proposed.
Well, if you are already, like, in a terrible depression, you will not ask such questions as crawling out of “I feel bad,” nothing will bother you anymore. Only relatives can worry about your condition.
In the meantime, you are monitoring your condition, then you are not depressed, you have given power over yourself to thought viruses. Kick them out before they finally get you depressed. Because if you fall down there, you will get out of depression only if you have someone with you who wants to pull you out of there. These volunteers will need a lot of strength! If there are none, then I don’t even want to further develop this topic of too sad and irreversible consequences in the life of a particular individual … And even if this individual comes out of depression, he caused a thorough brain injury. He himself took a sledgehammer and made himself such a concussion and concussion, which not every explosive device is capable of.
Brain jokes are very bad jokes. Launching thoughtviruses into it and watching how they operate there, plunging you into melancholy … — these are very, very bad jokes with oneself.
I repeat once again: to let or not to let traumatic thoughtviruses in is our choice!
Choose to sweep them ruthlessly! The faster the better!