What to do when you choke on a bone?

In addition to the daily menu of fish, there is also a lot of fish on the Christmas Eve table, where, apart from traditional carp, other types of fish are often hosted. However, you should be careful when savoring the taste of a fish dish – there is a high risk of choking on a fishbone, which can cause a lot of unpleasant and even harmful ailments. Find out what to do when you choke on a bone. This knowledge can be beneficial not only when celebrating Christmas.

  1. Fish are an important element of the Christmas Eve supper. Be careful with the bones when you eat them
  2. When it comes to choking with bones, the first thing to do is not to panic
  3. Try to cough out a bone, and when that doesn’t help, reach for it with tweezers
  4. However, when the bone is inaccessible to the eyesight, seek help from a specialist
  5. You can find more about the coronavirus on the TvoiLokony home page

Carp, which is already established in the Polish tradition, cannot be missing on the festive table. Not everyone likes its characteristic taste, so they prepare other types of fish to worthily replace one of the symbols of Christmas. Unfortunately, the pleasures of eating fish can result in the unfortunate choking of the bones. What might be the consequences of an apparently innocent little bone sticking in your mouth or throat?

What might be the consequences of choking on a bone?

If the bone is not removed quickly, or if it becomes the penultimate, it can become inflamed, accumulate pus, heat, and excruciating pain where the foreign body is located. This is only the first option. As a consequence, an infection may develop, leading to sepsis, which is a serious threat to health and life.

If you want to avoid unpleasant health consequences and get rid of discomfort as quickly as possible, it is important to know what to do when you or someone in your family chokes on a bone. First aid is often required then – choking with a bone may cause obstruction of the respiratory tract, in which it is necessary to eliminate a fragment of the fish skeleton as soon as possible by encouraging it to cough, and if the situation is serious enough, use blows between the shoulder blades or a Heimlich grasp.

Procedure in case of choking on a bone

In the case of choking, the most common reflex that has become established in general belief is to reach for a dry slice of bread and swallow it quickly, which would push the food or a foreign body further away and get rid of the problem. Unfortunately, this is not a good, and more importantly, a recommended practice. Otolaryngologists unanimously say that this way we can do even more harm to ourselves, because the bone can dig even deeper.

  1. Carp – what method to prepare it to make it as healthy as possible?

The first rule, which is often difficult in a situation of choking on a bone, is maintaining calm and rational thinking. Panic and panic will make our actions chaotic and inconsiderate. At the very beginning, the place where the bone has stuck should be determined. If it has deposited on a point that is within sight, slowly and precisely extract it with the appropriate tweezers. If the bone is not visible and its localization is impossible, do not delay. Seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. In an exceptional situation – especially during the holiday season – remember that you can go to the nearest hospital emergency department. On days off from work, the Night and Christmas Health Care can also help.

The doctor has at his disposal tools that will help him precisely remove the foreign body from the esophagus. This is useful, especially when the bone is very small and difficult to see with the naked eye, as well as when a foreign body has penetrated the rest of the pharyngeal mucosa.

What to do if a child chokes on a bone?

Toddlers explore the world through touch and senses, so it is not surprising that choking occurs very often in children. What to do if the little man chokes on his fishbone? Intervention should be quick, but keeping a cool head is recommended. The consolation should not be additionally nervous seeing the terror in the eyes of the caretakers. Make sure it is possible to extract the bones from the throat by yourself. If not, go to the Emergency Department, ENT or Holiday Healthcare as soon as possible. Watch your baby and see if his condition worsens. If necessary, start giving first aid.

The level of vitamin D3 as well as other vitamins and minerals can be checked by purchasing a research package from Arkmedic. Based on the results, you can find out the causes of malaise and avoid many health problems.

You may be interested in:

  1. Healthy Christmas Eve dishes – ranking. What makes you fat and what you can eat freely?
  2. Which fish species are the most contaminated? Which have the least pollutants? Experts suggest
  3. A healthy fish that is packed with vitamin D. Free from toxic mercury

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