What to do when you cannot sleep? Effective remedies for insomnia
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Problems with falling asleep can have various causes. When it comes to disease, stress becomes the prime suspect. But not only. Some daily habits may also be responsible for sleepless nights. How can I help myself? Here are the best ways.

  1. The cause of insomnia can be neurosis or an excess of stress
  2. Responsible for difficulties in falling asleep, among others lifestyle or nutrition
  3. Sleep may also not come when we are exposed to blue light from a smartphone or computer

Ways to deal with insomnia: don’t look at the screen

The habit of browsing social media or reading information on the Internet before falling asleep promotes insomnia for two reasons. First, it is the source of too many stimuli. As a result, we can be over-aroused, irritated or simply overwhelmed by the enormity of information that reaches us.

Secondly, our eyes are exposed to blue light via the computer screen or smartphone. And this effectively makes it difficult to fall asleep later. To eliminate this problem, it is a good idea to give up your electronics at least one hour before bedtime. If for some reason this is not an option, let’s at least use the blue light filter, which most modern devices are equipped with.

Ways to deal with insomnia: fresh air

A walk before bedtime can make you fall asleep like a baby quickly when you go to bed. This is due to the movement, but also to the fresh air. So if you have the choice of taking an evening shower or going out with your dog, always go for the latter. Especially since the evening shower makes it difficult to fall asleep, stimulating the body.

When you don’t have time to walk, let some fresh air into your bedroom. Even in winter, open the window for at least a few minutes. And then do not try to heat the room at all costs. The cooler it is, the better you will sleep in it. If you do not like the cold, cover yourself with a warmer duvet.

Ways to combat insomnia: physical activity

Movement is a good way to help you fall asleep. Firstly, it oxygenates the body, secondly – it tires it a bit. But the list of advantages in the context of insomnia does not end there. During physical exercise, we clear the mind of the rush of thoughts and release stress. Thanks to this, even after a difficult and mentally exhausting day, we can sleep peacefully. It is enough for us to go jogging or practice yoga at home before going to bed.

Ways to deal with insomnia: a light dinner

What we eat before bed affects how we go through the night. It was not without reason that our mothers told us not to eat before going to bed, because we would have nightmares. A dinner that is too heavy will sit in the stomach, causing discomfort to fall asleep and then causing fidgeting and waking.

So instead of pizza for dinner, opt for a healthy salad or a vegetable and fruit cocktail. And if they also clog your stomach unpleasantly, consider switching to intermittent fasting. It is a way of eating in which we only eat our meals for eight hours a day. This time is followed by a 16-hour fast. So if you eat the last dish at 16 p.m., your stomach will be empty in the evening. And that means better sleep.

Ways for insomnia: a blanket with a load

Recently, a gadget that is designed to mute and facilitate falling asleep is gaining more and more popularity. It is a weighted blanket, a garment that weighs slightly more than a standard blanket. It is selected according to the weight of the person who will cover with it.

The weighted blanket has a similar effect to the special blanket used in children with impaired sensory integration. When they are wrapped in heavy covers, they feel safer and calmer. It works similarly with adults who are worried about problems at work or live in constant tension.

Ways to combat insomnia: CBD oil

CBD oil has recently been one of the most popular remedies for people who live under stress, are unable to calm down, and have difficulty falling asleep. Of course, it has many more uses (not only internal, but also external – e.g. as a face serum), but the calming effect of CBD oil is confirmed by most people who use it.

For sleep problems, literally a few drops of natural CBD oil (e.g. from Kanaste) applied under the tongue to feel pleasant relaxation after a while. The dosage of the oil depends on the concentration of the active substance as well as on individual characteristics. Refer to the product packaging for detailed information. Remember that CBD works differently for everyone, so it’s best to start with a low dose, observe the effects, and gradually increase the dose until the desired effect is achieved. And you will feel this after approx. 7-10 days.

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