What to do when you are overcome by forgetfulness and absent-mindedness?

Hello everybody! Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness, such seemingly insignificant nuances, are actually capable of destroying a person’s professional and personal life, and if not destroying, then greatly complicating it. After all, you must admit that it is difficult to move towards your goal when a lot of information flies out of your head?

Basic Concepts

If you manage to assimilate information, remember it and then reproduce it when necessary, you have an excellent memory. But as soon as one of these stages fails, then it’s time to think about whether you are treating yourself right? Because forgetfulness or inattention is not congenital, except in cases of psychiatric abnormalities. So they arise as a result of our wrong way of life. Let’s first distinguish between these two concepts, because they denote slightly different states.

Forgetfulness — it’s directly memory problems. Remember, in an article about types of memory, Have we considered that it can be short-term and long-term? So, the information that got into the short-term reservoir evaporates very quickly from it. In order to keep it in the long-term zone, one should arbitrarily pay attention to it. And here absent-mindedness is connected, namely, difficulties with the concentration of this very attention. And these two factors can be the cause of whole catastrophes, in case a person with any of the above violations is responsible for other people, for example, driving an airplane or a train.

The symptoms, I think, are familiar to everyone: a feeling of indifference to some processes and events, the inability to concentrate and concentrate, feeling powerless, excessive relaxation, inactivity. Frequent living boredom, unsuccessful attempts to remember something important, leading to irritability and dissatisfaction. Sometimes there is a deja vu effect, that is, when it seems that what is happening now has already happened before. Excessive relaxation, sometimes similar to irresponsibility and carelessness, as a result of which others have a desire to take control of the fulfillment of some of your obligations or, in general, your life.

But before looking for methods of how to deal with it, let’s explore the likely causes of impairments in cognitive processes.


What to do when you are overcome by forgetfulness and absent-mindedness?

1.Modern human life

It is not only filled with a series of events, it is simply overflowing. Not surprisingly, his body periodically fails. A huge amount of information is simply impossible to catch and keep in your head. After all, we are exposed to this attack both on the street, watching countless big boards and ads, and at home, involuntarily viewing ads and news, chatting on social networks and talking on a mobile phone. So it is not surprising that the brain, in an attempt to protect itself, simply turns off some processes.

2. Insomnia or just lack of sleep

And we all know what devastating consequences a lack of sleep leads to, so forgetfulness is a flower compared to depression, a serious chronic illness or oncology. If you do not remember all the consequences of lack of sleep, read here.

3.Lack of water

Our body consists of 70% water, every student knows this, but the use of carbonated drinks, coffee and other things does not saturate it with the necessary amount of liquid, which causes the brain to suffer greatly, malfunctioning.

4. Alcohol, drugs and smoking

They reduce the efficiency of thinking, the speed of perception and cause spasms of blood vessels, disrupting the activity of not only the brain, but the body as a whole, causing even changes in the psyche.

5. Diets

Poor memory is sometimes the result of diets that simply shock the brain due to a lack of carbohydrates, fats and other things. Most often, women sin with this, not in vain, because there is even a wording “girl’s memory”.

6. Stress

They can lead to a state of chronic fatigue, that is, to neuropsychic weakness. With such weakness, it becomes very difficult to concentrate and, in general, to remember information, if only because it becomes irrelevant for a person. You can read about this disease here.

7. Over-focused

Paradoxical as it may seem, but inattention can occur due to excessive concentration. I’ll explain now. When we are carried away by some process, we may not keep track of the moments happening around. Well, who hasn’t happened that, thinking, you didn’t notice how you got from work to home? This is how inventors, overly immersed in their ideas, are able to create brilliant creations, but at the same time they are completely helpless in everyday life.

8. Life

Ordinariness also makes it difficult to concentrate and track events. After all, when the process goes on knurled, it does not require our inclusion, which means that consciousness directs attention to internal processes.

9.Internal condition

If you notice that absent-mindedness has appeared, try to listen to the general condition, because often these problems cause diseases such as tumors, epilepsy, atherosclerosis, provoke craniocerebral injuries, infections and disorders in the thyroid gland.


What to do when you are overcome by forgetfulness and absent-mindedness?

  1. Try to consume plenty of clean drinking water, excluding sodas and sugary drinks. And, of course, control your diet by including vegetables, fruits, herbs and other foods rich in vitamins, minerals and, in general, substances necessary for the body.
  2. Doing sports, especially yoga, will help to saturate every cell of your body with oxygen, which will increase its activity and performance. To improve your mindfulness, make a habit of meditation practices aimed at concentration and the ability to stop and just observe what is happening, both within yourself and the surrounding reality. I quite accessible for beginners described these methods in this article.
  3. Use reminders in the form of stickers, alerts and a board on which you will cling leaves with tasks and thoughts.
  4. Read the article on time management carefully. Because it is very difficult to keep a bunch of thoughts in your head, to start solving several cases at once, and in general, not to understand which direction to move at the moment. Such multitasking will lead not only to absent-mindedness, but also to depression in general.
  5. Clean up your desk, every thing should have its own place. Then there will be no need for unnecessary overload of your brain. You won’t have to remember where you put your mobile or keys, you’ll just know exactly where they should be anyway. Therefore, before wondering how to get rid of forgetfulness, you should do a general cleaning, both in your head and in your home and office.
  6. Play associations, that is, if you have problems remembering names, repeat it to yourself several times and come up with an association that is consonant with it. In some cases, you will have to create a whole associative array associated with the place and actions. For example, if you need to call your parents as soon as you get home, then imagine an image of a home phone and how you call it. Then, once in the apartment and being next to him, you will immediately remember that they are worried about you and you need to make yourself known.


Most importantly, learn to notice yourself in the present moment, then there will be no difficulties with concentration. No matter how ordinary life may seem, it is still diverse, you just have to look around and you will notice all its diversity. If you don’t know how, read the article “How to learn to live here and now: consciously and in this moment?”. And that’s all for today, dear readers! By the way, as an advertisement, I created a group on VKontakte about self-development, I will be glad to see you there. See you soon.

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