What to do when there is a problem of self-realization of the personality: what is it?

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers! The problem of self-realization of a person usually lies in the fact that she is not aware of her interests, desires and abilities, as a result of which she is not able to move in the right direction, achieving success and feeling full and satisfied.

What is self-realization?

The process of self-realization of a person lasts throughout his life, and the need for it is laid down by nature. Abraham Maslow argued that a person has a lot of needs that can be classified, which he did by creating a pyramid of 7 levels.

So, such primitive desires as to eat and sleep are at the lowest level. But the need to prove yourself and achieve success is at the very last. In the process of development and maturation, strategies about how one should live change, which is why the areas in which one wants to achieve harmony change. For example, it is important for young people to get a profession, find themselves, and only then start a family.

You will learn more about the classification of needs in this article, and now I suggest you consider what are the areas where everyone has the opportunity to express themselves and their abilities.

Areas of development

1. Professional — the realization of one’s goals in labor activity, the achievement of a certain social status and a sense of satisfaction from what one has to do. Also, it may be evidenced by a competitive high level of wages, power, or recognition, both from colleagues and from clients, patients and partners.

What to do when there is a problem of self-realization of the personality: what is it?

In society, this area is the main indicator that a person is successful and is able to ensure the realization of his other needs, for which it is necessary to spend material resources. Work directly affects his character, and basically takes up most of his life. And those who have set themselves the goal of moving up the career ladder as soon as possible have no free time at all that they could devote to recreation, hobbies and other interests.

2. Social — creating relationships with others that bring satisfaction, a sense of closeness, security and happiness. It includes helping others in the form of charity, volunteering, friendship and, of course, family.

3. Creative — not only the manifestation of their creative abilities in art, but even in scientific activities. These are hobbies, hobbies and interests. Energy must be given out, otherwise, accumulating, it will interfere and be transformed into various bodily constrictions and diseases. The ability to create and create something of your own, unique helps to feel special, as well as present yourself to the world as you are, and in the form you want.

Possible problems and how to solve them


To know where to move, you first need to look around to understand where you are at the moment. It’s exactly the same with self-realization, it’s important to first study your characteristics, character traits, preferences, values, limitations … Then you will understand which traits you need to focus on developing, and which ones, on the contrary, should be presented more often.

For example, it is believed that in order to achieve success, a person must be confident in his abilities, purposeful, hardworking, active, decisive, responsible and have willpower. But the most valuable thing is that he must be motivated to develop and improve, otherwise, if he is content with little, there will be no forward movement, and this threatens with complete degradation of his personality.

Learn more about degradation here.


Knowing yourself is not enough, it is also important to accept those qualities, desires that you possess. Because there are a lot of stereotypes in the world about how a man should look, what a woman should do and what jobs they should work. But, unfortunately, not all this knowledge brings happiness.

Sometimes our needs do not fit into the generally accepted picture of the right life. Therefore, a girl in childhood may not buy cars, insistently demanding to play with dolls, as befits all «princesses».

And then, growing up, she does not know where to apply herself, because the only thing that interested her throughout her life was cars. But she cannot study as a mechanic, and if she could, then she would have to overcome too much to prove her professionalism. For example, mobbing by the strong half of the team. Learn about it here.

What to do when there is a problem of self-realization of the personality: what is it?


Not everyone is able to take responsibility for their lives and step out of their own comfort zone. And this greatly hinders development. For example, if you go against your parents and refuse to continue the dynasty of doctors. Wanting to become a dancer, a young person risks losing the support and material benefits that they provide him. Then the conditions of his life will change significantly, he will have to go to work in order to earn money for education, an apartment and food.

There will be no time for rest with friends and personal life at all. But he has a chance to live every day the way he wants, and enjoy what he does. Otherwise, being wealthy in his student years, at a more mature age he risks finding himself a rather unhappy person who does what he hates. By the way, I recommend taking a test that will determine your dependence on the opinions of others.

Against the background of such well-being, other spheres will also be destroyed. Therefore, learn to be responsible for your actions and make choices based on your own motives, anticipating the consequences. To do this, you need to be a mindful person, so I recommend the article “Mindfulness Practice for Everyday Life” to help you.

Low self-esteem

How can a person take risks and promote himself if he believes that he is somehow worse than others, that he is unworthy, unhappy, and so on? Every person has shortcomings, such is his psychological peculiarity, there are no ideal people, as well as completely “bad” ones too. A successful, confident person differs from the rest in that he has studied his abilities and resources, which is why he puts them in the foreground, relying on them, and does not hide behind shortcomings, justifying his inaction.

So, if you have problems with self-esteem, be sure to check out the article on improving your self-esteem.


Look for what will help you manifest, what will give you energy and joy. If you still don’t know what makes up your list of values ​​​​and what your purpose is, then the recommendations indicated in the article “What is the meaning of a person’s life and how to find it?” will help you.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! In the life of every person, there are always difficulties and obstacles on the way to the desired, it is important to be able to rise after each failure and persevere on your way. So strength and inspiration to you!

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