The pre-holiday season is a busy time for the vast majority of women. Preparations for the upcoming Christmas, even with a lot of help from loved ones, take a lot of time. As a result, very often there is a situation where there is not enough time for training. How to cope then?
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Regularity is one of the the most important foundations for ultimate success – getting them all done assumptions of the currently used training plan. Even if we do not follow With a pre-arranged training plan, it is very important to do the workouts regularly. Why is it so important?
How easy it is to lose it what has already been achieved
Just a week break from physical activity results in very negative changes (including a decrease in muscle mass), which reduce the effects already achieved, and thus wastes the time devoted to the implementation of the ones carried out so far training sessions. Therefore, it is very important to maintain continuity trainings also in the pre-Christmas period. However, how to achieve this in this the busy season of the holiday fever.
Resign from “magazines”
TV, Facebook, Internet, movies and series, all of this can be done in the pre-holiday season give up or significantly reduce the time devoted to this type of pleasure. As a result, you will definitely be able to save some time, which in turn will be can be spent on training. Of course, intense effort physical, it may be the last activity you dream about after 8 hours spent at work and roughly half of it in preparation for Christmas. However, it is worth bearing in mind that they are secreted during physical exertion endorphins, so-called happiness hormones. In addition, physical activity allows you to de-stress.
Shorten your workouts without reducing their effectiveness
Lots of people in the period pre-Christmas resigns from training because of the fact that due to the shortage of time they will not be able to complete all training, but doing only half of the training does not make much sense. This is absolutely correct handling – nothing is worse than skipping a warm-up or stretching exercises. However, there is a way to fix this problem – it is enough to shorten the duration of training sessions without compromising their quality. Like this to achieve? In most cases, it is enough to change the training method. On for example, if you do endurance (cardio) workouts continuously, use the interval method if you are doing split training at the gym (split), then introduce circuit training (FBW) during this period. In turn, if to so far your training was based on the peripheral method, use the so-called stream training (for example ACT) or Tabata. Thanks to this, workouts will be shorter, and thus you will have to spend less on their implementation time which is worth its weight in gold during this period. Also, be sure to under any circumstances as a matter of fact, regardless of the training you carry out, do not give up warm-up and stretching exercises.
Try alternative forms of movement
In the pre-Christmas rush it’s worth it also “test” alternative forms of physical activity. For example, in you can take a break and go to your Christmas shopping swimming pool for a swim. It is also worth taking advantage of the prevailing weather conditions and go ice skating alone or with the family. The pre-holiday period is also the perfect time to try out group activities conducted in clubs fitness. However, no matter what form of exercise you choose, the most important thing is to stay physically active.
Photo credit: Lincolnian (Brian) — BUSY, in and out via / CC BY-SA
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Damian Yefremienko Coach
Master of physical education with a training specialty, graduate of postgraduate studies in dietetics and nutritional counseling at the Medical University in Poznań, doctoral student at the Department of Sport Theory of the University of Physical Education in Poznań, physical recreation instructor specializing in strength exercises, would-be physiotherapist. scientific. He hates mediocrity and cursory problem solving. Personalization and a holistic approach to the patient are “obvious obvious” for him. She loves to share her knowledge and is eager to expand it. He is most interested in all issues related to the physiology of exercise. Passionate about mountain tourism and new technologies
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