What to do when a baby tooth is broken?

To avoid big tears and a broken baby tooth, vigilance is required in certain rooms of the home, as in a tiled bathroom (slippery), a bedroom with bunk beds, the stairs or the kitchen … Also watch out for the first falls from your bike where the tines can easily hit the handlebars and / or the ground!

Why do our child’s baby teeth break?

Between 12 and 18 months, the child learns to walk and does not yet have the reflex to protect his face with his hands. Then between 3 and 4 years, the period is conducive to dental trauma because our child becomes a real little explorer! There are also those who have the upper incisors forward because they suck their thumb, a pacifier or a blanket: their teeth are not properly protected by their lips.

What are the consequences of an impact on the teeth?

Elles depend on the intensity of the shock and the age of the child at the time of the accident. The younger the child, the greater the risk of trauma. Most often, an incisor moves forward or backward, which can be particularly dangerous for the final tooth that will appear a few years later. It also happens that the tooth falls out, if the shock is violent or, conversely, enters the gum until it is no longer seen at all. More rarely, the visible part of the tooth, called the crown, may be cracked or partially broken. In all cases, the main danger following a shock is that the germ of the final tooth, present in the gum from birth, is affected or becomes infected a few months later.

What to do when a baby breaks a baby tooth or the end of his tooth?

No need to try to put the tooth back in place, if it fell. We would only encourage the development of potential infections. The main one is clean well her child’s mouth. You can also walk over your teeth a compress soaked in an alcohol-free mouthwash (Paroex type). And especially no brushing until the consultation with a dental surgeon, within 24 to 48 hours after the fall. He will examine our child and him will prescribe a radio if necessary to check that the germ of the final tooth is not affected. By visualizing the inside of the gum, he may even discover the tooth that we thought had been lost.

It may be useful to also make a accident declaration for our insurance. A trauma to a temporary tooth can have consequences that will not be visible until six or seven years later and if we have not made a declaration at the time of the accident, subsequent care may not be covered!

How to repair a tooth, potentially of the front, broken?

If the root is intact and our child is over 2 and a half years old, our dentist can devitalize the tooth (either remove the nerve) under local anesthesia, in order to keep it in place and therefore avoid an overlap. If, on the other hand, an infection has developed on the traumatized tooth, it must be extracted, again under local anesthesia.

If our child is over 3 and a half years old, our dentist or dental surgeon will be able to offer a pediatric prosthesis intended to maintain the space between the teeth, until the missing tooth is replaced by the permanent tooth, around the age of 7 years. It is a kind of arch that rests on the molars and holds two or three teeth in place with a wire.

Dental resin against a broken tooth

Finally, if the crown is partly broken or cracked, the visible part of the tooth can be reconstituted with a composite material, white like enamel.

Whatever the treatment offered by our dentist, our child will have to come back regularly for consultation., every month during the first trimester, then every three months and finally every year, until the arrival of his permanent teeth.

All treatments are possible provided that the child accepts the care. The aim of treatment is to prevent an infection from developing and attacks the germ of the future tooth, and to allow the final tooth to grow in the best conditions while reserving the necessary space for it.

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