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Hoping that the next year will be better is a pleasant tradition, and it largely depends on ourselves.
The passing year has deprived many of the implementation of their plans, limited them in many endeavors, many on their own health, and some on their figure, felt the effects of stress and a decrease in tone. But is it worth it now to be sad about it? Of course not. Let’s better try to correct the accumulated mistakes and, following our life hacks, take care of our mood and body, so that by the New Year we will again feel a surge of energy and strength, return to excellent physical shape or start taking confident steps in this direction, improve health, regain drive and enthusiasm. to implement new plans.
Psychological attitude is a delicate matter
Due to the peculiarities of the nervous system, women react more strongly to social stress. Stress, in turn, has an extremely negative effect on health, immunity, and figure. In order to prevent the weakening of the body, be sure to monitor your psychological health, try to prevent the development of chronic stress, which is expressed in fatigue, insomnia, or, conversely, drowsiness, irritability or depression, in oppression of sexual desire.
To avoid stress, do not overwork, be it physical or mental stress (night vigils over reports, projects will definitely not bring health benefits). Disharmonious relationships with other people, be they colleagues, partners, own relatives or friends, often lead to stress. Start by limiting the contacts that make you feel negative, if possible. In addition, during a pandemic, it is generally better to meet less people and devote more time to yourself.
As far as inner boundaries are concerned, controlling your flow of thoughts is necessary, because you can just as easily turn into a toxic person for someone else. Frequent whining, despondency, dissatisfaction with oneself turns away friends, upsets the family, interferes with a career. I don’t want to communicate with irritated, always dissatisfied people. Try to get positive back, start small – enjoy the little things, good weather, delicious food, try to do something pleasant for others, plan small things to praise yourself for, and don’t forget to do it more often. Find pleasant and useful activities and hobbies for yourself. Remember that anxiety and depression are the main enemies of our immune system! Support your body in the fight against stress – take vitamins of group B, magnesium, vitamin D. If the constant loss of strength and mood has turned life into a black and white movie, there is nothing wrong with seeking advice and help from a therapist, endocrinologist, psychotherapist …
Recovery is part of development
Driving ourselves with an abundance of work, we ourselves do not notice how we become less productive. The ability to rest is very necessary for those who work hard. However, this does not mean that on weekends you need to sleep until victorious. It is much more important to establish a certain regime and adhere to it. Alternate mental work with physical work, this allows both the brain and the body to rest.
Walking and moving is an important part of our body’s recovery. The ideal option is to carve out at least 40 minutes a day for sports. To do this, you do not have to go to the gym, where it is now unsafe, it is enough to walk in the park, master various exercises at home in online training or following a guide from Instagram.
Your body is your business
Who else will take care of your body if not you? Not only meditations and thoughts are important, but also pleasant moments for our senses. Create a calming ritual to do every day before bed, such as taking a shower with your favorite scent gel and then rubbing your body with oils. Such self-care helps to get rid of the negativity accumulated during the day, stress, improves mood and well-being.
Taking care of yourself is also what you consume, be it books, movies, or food. Approach the choice consciously, throw away not only food waste, but also information waste without regret. Make a choice in favor of what is useful and pleasant.
Sometimes the frequent desire for something sweet, harmful from food signals that the body simply lacks certain vitamins or microelements. Frequent laziness or apathy can also be associated with this particular problem. Do you not want to play sports, move, walk, do you feel constant fatigue, powerlessness, drowsiness, and sometimes suffer from insomnia? Stop scolding and reproaching yourself. Start with the elementary – taking vitamins.
Course for winter vitaminization
Lack of vitamins and minerals can greatly weaken the body, especially in winter. This is manifested by a decline in strength, decreased tone and performance, frequent colds. What kind of sport or hobby is there if the body’s strength is enough only to support basic vital functions. In addition, the winter reduction in daylight hours further exacerbates this condition.
Find a good vitamin and mineral complex for yourself, which is specially designed for women. Unisex in terms of the choice of vitamins is clearly not suitable, because women have their own body characteristics and needs.
In addition, women’s health and immunity largely depend on the state of the hormonal system. It gives us advantages in the form of the presence of estrogens, which make our immunity stronger than that of men, but, on the other hand, depends on the balance of hormones, which is easily disturbed by stress, age-related hormonal changes. Even susceptibility to colds often manifests itself during a decrease in estrogen before menstruation.
In this regard, special biocomplexes are excellent for comprehensive support of the female body, which, in addition to all the necessary vitamins and minerals, contain special plant components that enhance the effect of the complex and have a beneficial effect on the immune, endocrine, and nervous systems.
A good example of such a biocomplex is
The biocomplex also contains all the essential vitamins to combat stress: B vitamins, magnesium, selenium… And plant extracts support vitamins and minerals, among them a powerful immunoprotector – Echinacea purpureawhich activates the immune defense, ginkgo biloba – a powerful antioxidant and angioprotector, milk thistlecleansing the body.
Phytoestrogens from extracts help maintain hormonal balance dong quai root and wild yam… Phytoestrogens – well-absorbed plant analogues of female estrogen – strengthen female immunity, increase energy, improve mood and sleep, relieve premenstrual tension, irritability, and prevent female diseases.
Reinforce any undertaking, whether it be sports, or study, or preparation for the New Year, with the intake of a biocomplex, and you will in fact be convinced that there is more energy and strength for the implementation of your plans and, accordingly, protection for the body too.
Well, are you already ready to meet 2021, where there will be only a place for happiness and joy? We are ready at the editorial office, join us, and you will be healthy!