What to do to prevent a child or adult from being seasick in the car
Even short trips by car become a real torment if an attack of seasickness occurs. Symptoms are not the most pleasant – nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations. But with timely intervention, you can get rid of the problem.
The main cause of motion sickness is the instability of the vestibular apparatus. More often children face this problem, whose body has not yet fully formed.
To avoid seasickness in the car, you just need to be distracted.
Certain organs are responsible for the balance of the body:
- eyes;
- muscles;
- tendons;
- inner ear.
During the movement of vehicles, the body loses stability and sways slightly from side to side. This is felt by the inner ear. The eyes see that the picture outside the window is changing, but inside the transport there are no changes.
A conflict arises between visual perception and the vestibular apparatus. It is difficult for the brain to connect the information received. It seems to him that the balance is lost. There is a feeling of fear or mild panic, the heartbeat becomes more frequent, headache and nausea occur.
What to do to avoid car sickness
One of the easiest ways to avoid seasickness is to sleep. At the first sign of rolling nausea, it is advisable to take a horizontal position and relax. The absence of flickering before the eyes will have a positive effect on the general condition of the body.
You can deceive your eyes in another way. You need to focus your gaze on objects located in the distance or on things that are inside the car interior.
If an adult is sick, it is better to make a temporary stop for the car. Antihistamines come to the rescue. They must disrupt the transmission of signals from the vestibular apparatus to the central nervous system.
If you feel nausea, you need to open the window and let in fresh air. Breathe slowly and deeply.
But what if the child is seasick in the car and does not want to sleep?
The kid must be distracted from what is happening outside the window: give a toy or a tablet computer. You shouldn’t eat on the way, but you can drink water. It is desirable to do this in small sips using a straw. Lollipops also distract from nausea, it is better to take sour caramel.
There is no need to panic during motion sickness, it does not harm the body. These reactions usually stop with age. But if in an adult the reaction only intensifies, then it is advisable to tell the doctor about it.