What to do to detect breast cancer as early as possible?

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In the case of breast cancer, it is very important to detect it at the earliest possible stage of development, because it gives a good chance for a complete cure of the disease, writes Bogumiła Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, MD, PhD, a specialist in the field of clinical oncology at the Białystok Oncology Center.

Prophylactic examinations are helpful here, for which women should report regularly. This is especially true for women between the ages of 50-69, as this period is the time of most cases of breast cancer. In women at this age, mammography should be performed every two years and is reimbursed by the National Health Fund.

Pandemic and tsunami of advanced cases

The pandemic has certainly had an impact on the treatment of breast cancer patients. There are more and more patients presenting with a highly advanced neoplastic disease. The implementation of drug programs dedicated mainly to patients with the advanced form of the disease is also increased. Our center was open to patients all the time. We conducted many campaigns without interruption, including through social media, in which we informed patients that oncological treatment during a pandemic should not be afraid and, above all, should not be delayed, as the center implements all safety procedures.

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Thanks to this, we did not notice a drastic reduction in the number of procedures performed, including prophylactic mammography. However, I know that in many centers in Poland the number of preventive examinations for cancer has significantly decreased – in some places even by 90%. While the situation looks quite good in certified centers – especially in large cities – in other clinics, during the stagnation caused by restrictions, women may have had problems with access to treatment and prophylaxis. This is especially true of women living in small towns.

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For us, oncologists, it is tragic when young people with such advanced breast cancer come forward that they can no longer be offered effective therapies aimed at curing the disease, but only palliative treatment aimed at slowing the progression of the disease, but not curing it. The strongly increased inflow of patients with advanced breast cancer after the downtime caused by the pandemic means that centers have a problem with quickly intervening in all cases.

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In order to prevent such situations from occurring, we, oncologists, urge patients to first report for preventive examinations. Thanks to preventive examinations, it is possible to detect breast cancer at an early stage of development and perform radical treatment that cures this disease.

In our opinion – oncologists – the most important thing during a pandemic is not to block access to treatment. Personally, I think medical care should function normally at all times. This is facilitated by the organization of oncological care in Poland, because cancer treatment is currently carried out in specialized centers, where the patient has access to comprehensive treatment and diagnostics in one place.

Such centers for the treatment of breast cancer, the so-called BREAST CANCER UNIT operate throughout Poland and provide diagnostics and treatment at the highest level.

The article comes from the educational campaign «W trosce o women» prepared by Warsaw Press and whose media partner is medTvoiLokony. All materials can be found on http://www.warsawpress.com/

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