What to do, the child does not go to the toilet for a long time: more than a day, 2,3 days

What to do, the child does not go to the toilet for a long time: more than a day, 2,3 days

If a child does not go to the toilet in a big way on a daily basis, this is not a reason to panic, but a reason to take this problem seriously. The main part of the difficulties is associated with the baby’s diet and is corrected by changing it.

Why does the baby not poop for more than 2-3 days

After birth, the baby poops after each meal, after a few months this amount decreases by 2 times. This is a mode for breastfeeding, babies on artificial feeding “go to the toilet” about 2 times per daily cycle. This is influenced by the composition and quality of the mixture.

If the child does not go to the toilet too much, it may be due to nutrition.

Basically, constipation is a problem for artificial people. Constipation is the absence of regular bowel movements in a baby. The child’s well-being can be considered an indicator of the disease: hard feces come out with difficulty, and the baby suffers from abdominal pain. The reasons may be as follows.

  • Insufficient contractile function – no urge, the abdomen is swollen.

  • Increased contractile function – dense feces and abdominal pain.

  • Bowel pathology – feces are squeezed out with a tape or stream.

If blood appears in the stool, an urgent need to consult a doctor.

What to do if a child poops badly

At the end of the 1st month of life, babies may have constipation. This is due to the final restructuring of the intestines. In other cases, you need to help the baby.

Determine how much food is enough for your baby. There are “hungry” constipation when the baby is simply not getting enough nutrition.

  • Give your baby water, baby teas, and other drinks that are appropriate for their age.

  • Stimulate the bowel movement physically: lay it on your tummy before feeding. It is useful to engage in baby exercises and massage his stomach clockwise with gentle strokes.

  • For regular constipation, use medicines containing lactobacilli in consultation with your doctor.

In most cases, if the baby is unable to poop, the mother’s diet needs to be dealt with. For artificial feeding, you should choose a different mixture.

If there is no chair for more than a day

If there is no stool for a long time, give an enema. The water temperature should be about 20 ° C, and the volume depends on age: 1 month – 30 ml, and 6 months – 90 ml. The end of the syringe should be greased with petroleum jelly. Glycerin candles are also safe for the baby. Sometimes simply inserting a lubricated vent tube can help. Talk to your doctor about drastic enema measures.

Constipation in a baby is not always a manifestation of the disease, and defecation can be established by changing the nutrition of the mother or baby. If this process is painful or if the stool contains blood, see your doctor.

Member of the Russian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons.

Painful sensations in the middle of the abdomen, in the navel area, signal possible problems with the small intestine, at the bottom left – with the large intestine. If the upper part hurts, the stomach worries. In no case should you self-medicate. You can harm the body so much that it will not be easy to recover. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor so that he can make an accurate diagnosis.

Editorial staff of Wday.ru, Anna Gerasimenko

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