What to do on the way to work

Have you returned from remote work to the office? So you are again on the road for about two hours a day. What to do with this time? We present a rating of ideas from our readers.

The Moscow metro has been repeatedly called “the most readable in the world.” The older generation remembers the times when many people held newspapers and books in their hands. You can recall the footage from the movie “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”, where the heroine of Irina Muravyova meets her future husband in the subway car, defiantly reading Remarque’s “Three Comrades”.

Today, in the “subway” you can read the news, scroll through social networks and watch movies online. Does reading (on paper or electronic media) remain the most favorite activity in the subway and surface transport? The answers of our readers allowed us to make a rating and understand what people prefer to do on the way to and from work.

1. Listen to music: “I love musical novelties, and if the mood is not very good, I raise it with proven albums from an old one.”

2. View social networks, news, write posts: “I consume content, like everyone around me in the car.”

3. Read books: “On the subway, I read books and listen to music that drowns out the surrounding background and does not distract from reading. The older I get, the more the noise on the old subway lines infuriates me (very rumbles).

4. Listen to audiobooks: “I used to read, now I listen.”

5. Work: “I take out my laptop and work. As much as 45 minutes while I’m on the train.

6. Withdraw or meditate: “I just put on my headphones and sit in silence.”

In the future, technological progress will provide even more opportunities to spend time on the road with benefit and pleasure.

7. Learn (webinars, audio lessons, homework): “When I have the strength, I watch trainings and webinars on the minibus.”

8. Listen to podcasts: “I drive a car. I include podcasts, broadcasts, lectures, but not audiobooks.”

9. Make calls: “I have a difficult road. Taxi, then metro. I look through my work mail and social networks, but in a taxi I can call there for work, in a taxi back – to my mother.

10. Exercise: “I do a lot of things: I drink coffee, I read, I watch videos, I write posts, I meditate… And sometimes I even do yoga discreetly.”

11. Watch a movie (in traffic jams): “Metro is the time of serials”, “Behind the wheel, I stand in traffic jams a lot and watch movies.”

12. Knitting: “In Moscow, I had a very long road to the office, and, oddly enough, I didn’t have enough of it, because I knitted. In a month I could finish up to 3-4 things.

The metro and ground public transport have changed noticeably: now passengers have convenient access to the Internet, they can charge their gadgets on the way.

According to the BBC website, a fully automated car without a steering wheel and brake pedal will be released as early as 2021. This means that the participation of the driver will be completely excluded and he will be able to go about his business. Futurologists predict that “drones” in taxi companies will make this type of transport as affordable as possible.

Probably, in the future, technological progress will provide even more opportunities to spend time on the road with benefit and pleasure. For example, watch a movie, knit or sing karaoke while an unmanned taxi takes you to your destination.

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