What to do in case of migraine?
Migraines affect more than 12% of adults. They are manifested mainly by strong head pains and seriously affect the daily life of a person who suffers from them. It is difficult to appease them and can arise at the least auspicious time. Here are some tips to apply in case of migraine.
It is first of all important to know the factors that influence the onset of migraine attacks in order to be able to act on different fronts. Thus diet, sleep, hormonal and chemical changes in the blood and heredity are variable agents that affect the frequency and intensity of attacks.
There are two kinds of treatment: immediate treatment and preventive treatment.
Patients who have more than 3 migraine attacks per month can normally be prescribed two kinds of drug treatments :
- Treatment with beta blockers such as propanol or timolol which work by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure. These drugs dilate the blood vessels in the brain, preventing vascular symptoms such as vasoconstriction and vasodilation. They also reduce the symptoms of seizures like palpitations, anxiety, and tremors.
- Treatment with anticonvulsants such as topiramate and divalproex sodium.
Natural treatments
They are more common because they have fewer side effects. Here are some natural substances that prevent and relieve migraines:
5-HTP (= immediate precursor of serotonin) helps balance this substance in the body. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter of the central nervous system which contributes to the homeostasis (= stability of physiological constants) of the brain. Studies1 show that an additive of 5-htp reduces the severity of migraines.
L’arginine (= amino acid), combined with ibuprofen, helps vasodilate the blood vessels in the brain.
Butterbur, a plant native to Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, can be taken in tablet form for the prevention of migraines.
The essential oil of peppermint, applied to the forehead and temples, may relieve headaches associated with migraines.
Researches2 from the Department of Neurology at the University of Liège, Belgium, have shown that a daily intake of 400 mg of riboflavine (= vitamine B2) decreased episodes of migraines.
Feverfew has also proven its preventive effects on migraine attacks in a study3 covered 170 subjects in 2005.
Alternative practices
Chiropractic is a manual discipline that emphasizes the relationships between the musco-skeletal structure and the functions of the body in relation to the nervous system. It can act as a preventive treatment to reduce migraine attacks, especially if they have a physiological skeletal or muscular cause.
Guided imagery is a practice that uses direct suggestion through metaphors, stories, fantasies, games, dream interpretation or visualization in order to reduce stress and increase well-being. This technique, related to self-hypnosis, can even reduce the pain associated with migraines.
L’hypnothérapie falls under the category of body-mind sciences. By the power of suggestion, the hypnotherapist can relieve the pain of migraines and decrease their frequency. The pain relieving effects of hypnosis have been proven over and over again. (See our Hypnotherapy-hypnosis sheet).
acupuncture is one of the five branches of Chinese medicine. Several studies4 have shown that this technique is as effective as pharmacological approaches in the treatment of migraines while causing fewer side effects.
The lifestyle of migraine sufferers
People who suffer from migraines need to adapt their lifestyle in order to decrease the intensity and frequency of attacks.
Avoiding migraine trigger foods:
- Nitrates: they are contained in cold cuts
- Monosodium glutamate: it is a flavor enhancer food additive found in most frozen dishes, chips, Chinese dishes or cold cuts.
- Tyramine: it is a vasoconstrictor contained in aged cheeses.
- Le chocolat
- aspartame
- Foods that weigh down digestion
- Alcohol: It promotes the release of histamine that dilates the arteries in the brain.
For more information on food additives, see our file: Are they safe?
A smoke-free environment
The nicotine in cigarettes has effects on the blood vessels which increase the incidence of migraine attacks.
Learn to manage stress
Migraines often appear after a strong emotion or a stressful event. It is important to avoid unnecessary tension and negative emotions that can trigger seizures. In addition, good sleep decreases the frequency of attacks. Migraine sufferers are advised to sleep 8 to 10 hours per night and take a nap of about 30 minutes each day.
Take care of your body
Relaxation techniques such as tai chi and yoga help listen to your body and help eliminate bad energies. They reduce stress and improve the quality of sleep.
Massage therapy eliminates muscle tension and tightness and thus contributes to the relaxation of the body.
Grandma’s remedies
Two raw vegetables are known to reduce pain during migraine attacks: potato and onion. It is enough to cut them into slices and to apply them on the forehead as soon as the first symptoms appear.
Références Neurology 1998;50 :466-70 Diener HC, Pfaffenrath V, et al. Efficacy and safety of 6.25 mg t.i.d. feverfew CO2-extract (MIG-99) in migraine prevention—a randomized, double-blind, multicentre, placebo-controlled study. Cephalalgia. Acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis. Linde K, Allais G, et al. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Jan 21;(1):CD001218. Review.