What to do in case of difficulty conceiving a child?

How hard it is to see that with each passing month, the time when you will be pregnant is further postponed. And yet, you really feel ready. Despite the progress of science, the body sometimes keeps certain mysteries. Here are some tips that may help you. Regardless, be patient and take some time for yourself.
Don’t stay alone
In your ordeal, do not remain alone. Without telling the whole world about it, you can confide this concern to friends who will understand and support you if your spirits are showing signs of fatigue – and that’s okay. Beyond friends or family, think about being accompanied by a professional such as a psychologist, alone or as a couple. A few sessions are sometimes enough to loosen knots, blockages or psychological injuries that, despite you, are preventing you from conceiving.
Adopt a healthier lifestyle
If you start a follow-up for infertility with a doctor, he will help you take stock of your lifestyle. Are you under a lot of stress at your job? Do you have a lot of trips, what are your transport times and especially in public transport for big cities? Do you have a work rhythm “compatible” with that of your spouse? The chances are necessarily lower if one works day and the other at night… Do you smoke a lot? Tobacco affects the production of estrogen, which is essential for the creation of cervical mucus and therefore for fertility. Are you taking medication on a regular basis? What is your BMI (body mass index)? Are you eating healthy? If certain foods are causing you discomfort, you may be allergic or intolerant. All of this can cause problems conceiving a baby.
Medical history
If you have never had a child, if you have had one or more miscarriages, if you have ovarian dysfunctions, if you have very regular cycles… It is not the same thing. Therefore, you will not be followed in the same way.
The male factor
We forget it sometimes but to have a baby, it takes two! Monsieur also has his share of responsibility for fertility concerns. Some impotence problems can lead to reduced fertility. Between a genital infection, poor quality of sperm or trauma, the reasons are multiple. Age is also an essential factor: the quality of sperm decreases over the years. Consult your doctor together to take stock!
Have you tried the monitor Ladycomp ?
Some women have tried everything. In vain. Still, there is one small device that has unlocked more than one: the Lady comp monitor. It is software that takes into account different factors (such as temperature) and informs you, every day, thanks to an algorithm if you are fertile or not. This makes it easier to have sex during the right period! And since each cycle is unique and it is very rare to be perfectly regular (we are not robots), the monitor allows women to observe their cycles, whether they are set like music paper or not. .
Read also: Infertility: can it also be in the head?