Tomorrow is a responsible meeting and you are thinking how to negotiate? Have an interview for a good position? Or maybe meeting your partner’s parents? If on the eve of an important event you want to decide on your own position and think about how to behave correctly, refer to metaphorical cards.
Metaphorical cards help you analyze your behavior, motives, true desires and secondary benefits. If you need to choose the most comfortable and constructive course of action in a given situation, they can point you in the right direction.
If you are new to dealing with these cards, start with simple situations that do not deal with the really important issues of life. Also, while doing this, it is advisable to listen only to yourself, your heart, your subconscious. Try not to rely on the opinions of other people about the card that has fallen to you. It’s only about your life, and only you know what’s right.
How to ask the right question
Before drawing cards, you voice questions. They should be aimed at studying not the situation itself, but yourself, placed in these circumstances. Formulate questions in such a way that the answers to them help you solve the problem, and not shift the responsibility to someone else or to fate.
For example: asking “What’s going on?” – not right. “How do I see it?” or “What do I feel?” – right.
Other possible questions
- How does this situation affect me?
- How do I behave?
- How / how do I sit in this situation?
- What do I want to get as a result?
- What is my true desire?
- Why do I need this?
- What is my secondary benefit?
- How do people around me influence me?
- How can I proceed?
- What can I do today?
- Where can the old way of thinking / acting lead me?
- What am I doing wrong?
- What qualities will help me?
- What powers and resources do I have?
- What advice do I see on the map for myself?
Practical example
Yulia had an important business meeting ahead of her, and a lot depended on her behavior. And she decided to consult with a deck of metaphorical cards, which is called: “Counsellor”. Julia asked two questions and pulled out two cards in turn:
- What can stop me?
- How should I behave?
Regarding the first card, “What can stop me?” Julia wrote in her notebook: “I can get in the way of a belligerent attitude and the manifestation of aggression in any form. This seems to be true, because I am preparing for these negotiations, as for a combat mission to seize enemy territory.
What did the second card advise Yulia? “Be light, in a good mood! Do not focus on negative points and small details. Let go of the situation. After all, it’s not that important to my life in general. The main thing is to feel happy, no matter what!”
The negotiations were easy and successful, because Yulia was in a positive mood, was easy to communicate and open to dialogue.
How to make the right choice? We find the answer with the help of metaphorical cards
You can look inside yourself and get clues with a deck made specifically for Psychologies. Find the answer to the main question:Metaphorical cards Psychologies