What to do if your whole body itches

What to do if your whole body itches

Not sure what to do if your whole body itches? First, you need to identify the causes of itching, because it can serve as a symptom of a serious illness. Sometimes it is impossible to cope with the problem without medical help.

When the whole body itches, you need to do soothing lotions.

What to do if the whole body itches?

If you experience discomfort and discomfort, you should first contact a medical institution for professional help.

Only a doctor can determine exactly what caused the itching, as well as prescribe remedies to relieve well-being.

Various means will help alleviate the condition:

  • creams
  • ointment
  • moisturizing gel or liquid soap

Most of the drugs are based on menthol, the effect of which reduces the urge to itch.

Why the whole body itches: what to do first

Various illnesses cause unpleasant sensations, for example:

  • allergy – you can get rid of it by identifying the allergen and stopping interaction with it
  • scabies – a scabies mite infection is easier to cure at the initial stage. If you experience itching, accompanied by the formation of acne and fine gray lines on the skin, you should immediately consult a doctor
  • diabetes mellitus – when treatment is prescribed, the symptoms disappear completely
  • hives – additional symptoms of this condition are swelling and sore throat, as well as nausea
  • impaired renal function – due to a malfunction of the internal organs, toxins do not come out naturally, but are excreted through the sweat glands, causing skin irritation

Also, the body can itch during pregnancy, after insect bites, due to dry skin, when exposed to chemical irritants and in other situations.

The body itches badly: what to do to make you feel better

General guidelines can help relieve itching:

  • exclusion from the diet of spices, alcohol, strong coffee and tea, salty and spicy foods
  • the use of tinctures of motherwort or valerian will calm the body and reduce sensitivity
  • using herbal hygiene products
  • while taking a bath, you need to add a decoction of the string or oak bark. Water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees

If the body itches, you need to try not to scratch the skin.

When exposed, microdamages will remain that can increase irritation and lead to infection. To accurately determine the causes of itching, you need to seek help from a medical facility. Self-medication or inaction can lead to complications of the disease.

Also interesting to read: if it is hard to breathe.


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