The unpleasant sensations after eating are familiar to many – this is heartburn, heaviness in the stomach. Instead of going to the doctor, we muffle the body’s alarms with medication. But they can be signs of serious malfunctions in the digestive system. We understand the intricacies of gastrointestinal tract health together with Ph.D., gastroenterologist of the Moscow Clinical Research Center Natalia Bodunova.
February 4 2018
The reasons for a one-time malaise can be a plentiful meal, poor quality food, an uncomfortable posture while eating. But if discomfort constantly torments, this is a reason to contact a gastroenterologist, only a specialist can find the cause and prescribe the correct treatment.
It occurs in response to the reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus, which can be provoked by spicy, fried, fatty foods, some fruits and vegetables (tomatoes, radishes, radishes, lemons, apples). If the burning sensation appears for the first time, antacids or alginates – drugs that neutralize acid – will help get rid of it. You cannot use soda, it will only worsen the situation. Does heartburn occur every time you eat and is accompanied by pain in the upper stomach? This is a sign of chronic gastric and esophageal motility disorders. To solve this problem, you need to consult a specialist. It is worth remembering that heartburn that occurs over a long period of time can cause a number of serious complications.
A common complaint. Try to accurately describe the symptoms to the doctor: aching pain in the stomach area can be a sign of gastritis, sharp after eating – stomach ulcers. In the area of the navel – intestinal function is disrupted.
One of the most common symptoms of chronic gastrointestinal problems. Frequent discomfort indicates the presence of a chronic disease. It can be a hiatal hernia, pancreatitis, bile flow into the stomach or a tumor, so it is important to see a doctor right away.
Speaks of eating disorder (too large portions or eating too quickly), dysfunction of the pancreas and other problems. The gastroenterologist will pinpoint the cause of the symptom.
In healthy people, it rarely appears, mainly due to carbonated drinks or poorly chewed food. Together with heaviness in the stomach, aching pains, nausea can be a sign of a hiatal hernia.
The most common complaint. There are several reasons: an excess of coarse fiber in the diet (legumes, cabbage, fresh bread), carbonated drinks, a violation of the enzymatic function of the pancreas. The most common is malabsorption in the small intestine associated with bacterial overgrowth syndrome, lactase or disaccharidase deficiency.