What to do if your dog seems to choke

What to do if your dog seems to choke

It is not surprising that the dog choked. These animals are very curious and after studying an unknown object with their nose they taste it. The consequences can be dire, and the owner has to fix the problem himself.

What to do if your dog chokes

The main thing is not to panic. The health and life of a dog depend on the correct actions of a person. The pet can choke on bones, toys, balls, plastic products and plastic bags.

If a dog chokes, it may cough and vomit.

Alarming symptoms that indicate that the dog has choked:

  • frequent breathing
  • restlessness and fussiness;
  • emetic urges;
  • cough.

The animal does not find a place for itself, walks or runs from side to side. Try to look into your mouth and pull out the stuck object. If the pet is large, stand behind it, bend over and hug it with your arms. Make a fist with your thumb at the beginning of your abdomen where your sternum ends. With your other hand, grasp your fist in the form of a lock. Press your arms forward and upward with strong movements at least 5 times.

If the dog is small, take it in your arms and press it with its back to you. Hold your head with one hand, squeeze your other hand into a fist and place it on your abdomen. Do a few pushing and pushing in and up. After these steps, check the dog’s mouth and throat again and remove the foreign object.

What does it mean if the dog seems to choke

But such symptoms do not always indicate that the animal has swallowed a foreign body. Often these signs indicate serious heart disease. You need to visit a veterinary clinic, get tested and start treatment.

The cause of the cough can be quite harmless. Sometimes the collar is too tight and puts pressure on the dog’s throat. She finds it difficult to breathe and begins to cough.

In addition, dogs can cough and breathe frequently when they have a cold or allergies and worms. The animal could easily catch a cold while walking or swimming. To help your pet, you need to take the following measures:

  • provide frequent and plentiful warm drinks;
  • increase the calorie content of food;
  • insulate the place of sleep and rest;
  • comb the wool with a brush;
  • limit walks.

If after this the animal does not recover and refuses to eat, you need to contact your veterinarian.

If the animal chokes, it is better not to waste time and visit the veterinarian right away. There is not always such an opportunity, and then the owner has to save his pet himself. But self-removal of foreign objects from the pharynx often leads to damage to the mucous membrane. Therefore, it is best to place the animal in a convenient container and deliver it to the veterinarian as soon as possible. A specialist with the help of thin instruments will quickly remove a foreign object from the dog’s throat without causing any harm.

It is better to prevent the occurrence of such situations. Therefore, from the apartment you need to remove all the small things that the animal may be interested in and swallow, and on a walk – keep an eye on your pet. These simple steps will help you avoid embarrassing situations.

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