What to do if your dog is constantly howling
Taking care of pets is a matter of experience, but what if your dog howls? When faced with a problem, it is necessary to identify the cause of the behavior and take action. This should be done in stages, without causing inconvenience to the animal.
What to do if a dog howls: finding out the reasons
Some consider a howling dog to be a sign of bad news or imminent death. However, there are simpler explanations for this behavior. If the pet owner is unable to identify them on their own, you need to seek help from a veterinarian or dog handler.
When your dog is constantly howling, you should do your best to stop it.
Experts identify several main situations in which the dog begins to howl:
- parting with the owner. Dogs become attached to the owner and are very worried if they are separated;
- painful condition or weakness;
- lack of necessary physical activity. This often happens if the pet sits on a chain or spends a lot of time in the apartment;
- boredom. If the dog is bored, he tries to attract the attention of the owner;
- full moon discomfort. The moon has an impact not only on humans, but also on animals.
If your pet’s howl is a sign of poor health, you should immediately show it to your veterinarian and conduct a thorough examination. In other cases, you must contact a dog handler.
If the dog howls constantly, what to do?
A howling dog causes a lot of inconvenience, especially for neighbors in the house, who are forced to listen to plaintive howls during the absence of the owner of the animal. The situation can be corrected in a few days by conducting educational work.
One of the easiest ways to wean a dog from howling is to use a special device called Anti-barking. This device consists of a collar equipped with a small container of water and a remote control. The procedure is carried out as follows:
- Putting a collar on the dog, the owner disappears from sight, but remains nearby.
- When the dog begins to howl, the person sends a signal to the device, and a stream of water gets into the animal’s face, causing it to be confused. The procedure must be repeated several times.
- In half an hour, the owner should appear, play with the dog and treat him to.
This method will help you correct your behavior in just a couple of days.
The dog howls, what to do: simple advice
If your dog starts to howl with boredom, spend more time with him. Walk and exercise. The animal needs the care and attention of the owner.