What to do if your cat is constipated
Constipation is common in cats, usually due to poor diet, hair swallowing, or a sedentary animal. In young kittens, digestive difficulties occur after switching to solid food. What to do if the cat is constipated? Most often, the problem is not fraught with serious reasons, the ailment is treated at home.
What to do if the cat is constipated?
How to recognize constipation in a cat?
The first thing that observant owners pay attention to is lethargy and lack of appetite in the cat. But these symptoms are too general, as they indicate many diseases. Therefore, when making a diagnosis, the following painful manifestations are important:
- strong attempts of the cat during the trip to the tray. All efforts end in the absence of feces or the release of a small amount of dry feces;
- while going to the toilet, the pet is in pain, as evidenced by its meowing;
- the pet is losing weight;
- the animal stops licking its fur;
- the cat avoids contact with the owner, hides in a corner;
- firmness and bloating;
- swelling of the anus;
- biting the abdomen and anus;
- white foamy vomit is an alarming sign, you need to contact your veterinarian.
If you do not start treating the disease, the cat’s condition will worsen every day. Treatment is necessary, because the problem will not be solved by itself, and the disease will go into a chronic stage.
The cat has constipation: what to do?
Constipation is most often a consequence of the accumulation of hair in the intestines, but sometimes this ailment is confused with intestinal obstruction. In this case, what to do, the veterinarian will decide, otherwise the animal will die.
If the cat’s malaise is constipation, at home they are used:
- Vaseline oil. Depending on the age of the cat, 10-50 ml of the product is given twice a day until normal stool appears;
- laxatives based on lactulose. In terms of action, the drugs are similar to liquid paraffin, so it is not worth using these funds together;
- a mixture of condensed milk and tap water softens and removes feces;
- adding a few drops of vegetable oil to food.
If all of the above methods do not work, it’s time to contact your veterinarian.
Now you know what to do if your cat is constipated. It can be easily prevented by making your pet move, including fiber-rich foods, and brushing your pet out in time. This will protect the animal not only from intestinal problems, but also strengthen its body.