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Your baby is already quite an adult – he is going to kindergarten. How many joys and experiences are associated with this moment. But here’s the bad luck: after a couple of weeks you have to take sick leave to take care of your child, and after two or three weeks – another one. The kid began to get sick too often. Let’s figure out why this happens and how to help him.
The most common cause of the disease is an acute viral infection (ARVI). Every kindergartner can get it a couple of times a year. But some children fall ill again almost a week after returning to kindergarten.
Doctors even invented a special term: “often ill children.” This is said if a three-year-old baby is seen by a doctor with ARVI more than six times a year, and a four-year-old – more than five (1). Unfortunately, repeated diseases can lead to serious consequences – complications in the form of disorders of the cardiovascular system, anemia, and after a few years, various signs of allergy, chronic diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems may appear (2). Due to constant illnesses and related complications to school among frequently ill children, there are half of those who have
Several factors are the cause of such a frequent morbidity (1).
First, stress. Even if your child is very independent and active, a sudden change in regime, environment and separation from parents for the whole day is a serious challenge. Secondly, there are many more sources of infection around. In kindergarten, these are, first of all, other children who come ill or not fully recovered and infect the rest of the children. Thirdly, it is not always possible for the kindergarten staff to make sure that the child does not sweat during a walk, that the scarf is properly tied or that his feet do not get wet, since the groups are usually overcrowded.
The physical condition of the child himself plays an important role. A viral infection is much more dangerous for those who were born prematurely or with reduced weight, who already have various chronic diseases, babies who are not used to moving around a lot, as well as children who regularly lack vitamins and minerals that are so necessary during the period of active growth ( 2), (3).
By the way, it’s time to remember what
The most pronounced effect on the immune system is vitamins A, E and C. Vitamin A increases the body’s resistance. Vitamin E stimulates the production of certain substances that promote the activation of all parts of the immune system. Vitamin C acts on cellular defense mechanisms and helps in the work of vitamins A, E and folic acid. In addition, it has a positive effect on the synthesis of corticosteroids and thyroid hormones, which are responsible for the adaptation of the body and its ability to resist various diseases (4).
Also, to protect the body, vitamins of the B group are also needed. They regulate the processes of metabolism, the synthesis of antibodies and are necessary for the recovery of the body after an illness. Separately, it should be noted pantothenic acid, which stimulates the production of antibodies and helps reduce the toxic effect of antibiotics if the baby still has to take them (4).
But that is not all. For a child’s good adaptation in a stressful situation, magnesium is very important. Iron and zinc are involved in the processes of hematopoiesis and protect the body from anemia that develops due to frequent illnesses. Do not forget about iodine, which, according to statistics, is lacking in most babies in our country. And this microelement is needed for the thyroid gland, the hormones of which are very important not only for the functioning of the immune system, but also for the growth and development of the entire body of the child (3).
And here it is also worth noting that with infectious diseases
A completely natural question arises: how to provide the baby with all the necessary vitamins and minerals? Especially if the child is constantly sick and more and more of these nutrients are required – not only to maintain the immune system, but also to restore the body.
Trying to balance your diet? But among the kids it is full of finicky. Someone cannot be persuaded to eat vegetables and fruits, someone refuses meat and fish. Some children are also small. And the problem of feeding at least something to a child who is not feeling well is not even worth talking about – all parents faced it.
If the products are not seasonal, and besides, they have undergone heat treatment, there are very few vitamins and microelements in them. And the amount of food that is required to obtain a full set of necessary substances, not every adult can handle.
In such cases, combination preparations are a good choice, which contain everything the child needs.
The drug “Multi-tabs® Malysh” is produced in the form of chewable tablets, therefore it contains 11 essential vitamins and 7 minerals that are important for strengthening the child’s immunity. The daily dose of these substances required even during the period of illness and recovery is contained in just one tablet, which in extreme cases can be crushed and added to food or drink.
Reg. beats PP-MUL-RUS-0279/01 dated 14.11.2017/XNUMX/XNUMX
1. V. A. Bulgakova, I. I. Balabolkin, V. V. Ushakova. The current state of the problem of frequently ill children // Pediatric Pharmacology, 2007. T. 4. No. 2.
2. M. V. Krasnov, V. M. Krasnov. Frequently ill children: how to protect a child? // Questions of modern pediatrics, 2010. T. 9. No. 2.
3. N. A. Korovina, I. N. Zakharova, A. L. Zaplatnikov, E. G. Ordinary. Correction of deficiency of vitamins and microelements in children // Medical Council, 2013. No. 8.
4. IA Gromov et al. Modern vitamin and mineral complexes and their influence on the state of the immune response in children // Pediatric Pharmacology, 2008. T. 5. No. 1.
5.O.S. Zueva, N.N. Zuev. The use of vitamin and mineral complexes in children: the validity of the appointment // Bulletin of the Vitebsk State Medical University, 2012. V. 11. No. 2.