What to do if you vomit with bile
Vomiting is a reflex process by which the body is freed from foreign substances, poisons, toxins. The presence of bile in vomit signals the presence of health problems. A single vomiting of bile due to poisoning with stale food or alcohol is not yet a reason for serious excitement.
Such vomiting can be observed during pregnancy, viral diseases with high fever, seasickness, in a severe stressful situation.
Another thing is when vomiting is repeated many times or becomes indomitable. In this case, you need to urgently call a doctor or ambulance. You cannot be treated on your own, as there is a possibility of missing the onset of a serious illness.
The presence of bile in the vomit may indicate a malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Some diseases are accompanied by the gag reflex.
Stenosis (narrowing) of the pylorus. With this pathology, food does not enter the intestines in a timely manner. Belching with a sour taste appears. If food is retained for a long time, the stomach is emptied by vomiting.
Diseases of the liver and biliary tract. For example, with calculous cholecystitis (stones in the gallbladder), bile is often thrown into the stomach, which causes nausea and vomiting.
Pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas). An attack of acute pancreatitis is accompanied not only by a sharp girdle pain, but also by vomiting with bile.
Postoperative complications as a result of surgery for stomach diseases.
Acute poisoning, intoxication, bacterial and viral infections. In such cases, vomiting is often accompanied by high fever and diarrhea. Children may have seizures.
To get rid of vomiting, you need to undergo an examination, identify the cause and undergo a course of treatment.
What to do with vomiting bile: first aid
It is imperative to call a doctor. Before his arrival, you can alleviate the condition by washing the stomach. To do this, you need to drink 2-3 liters of clean water and induce a gag reflex. After rinsing, rinse your mouth and drink a few sips of cold water. This can be done if vomiting is caused by poisoning or alcohol intake. If the reason is unknown, it is better to wait for the arrival of the doctors.
Repeated vomiting leads to dehydration, so the patient should often be given liquid: rosehip broth, weak tea, water without gas.
Drink liquid only in small sips to avoid recurrence of vomiting.
Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to ensure peace, preferably sleep.
Vomiting can accompany formidable diseases – myocardial infarction, strokes, exacerbation of chronic diseases of the liver and pancreas. Self-medication for such diseases is unacceptable!
– The gallbladder is a reservoir of concentrated bile, which is produced by liver cells. It performs many important functions: it helps to digest food and assimilate fats, increases the activity of pancreatic enzymes, and is also an antibacterial agent. But it so happens that the gallbladder becomes inflamed and cholecystitis develops.
Its main signs are nausea after fatty foods (not necessarily oily, sometimes it is enough to eat, for example, nuts), pain in the right hypochondrium, where the gallbladder is located, belching, bitterness in the mouth, fever. The pain can be either dull or growing and radiate to the right arm and right shoulder blade. And it happens that in the area of the gallbladder there is no pain, in the hand and scapula there is. In some, very rare cases, symptoms are completely absent.
The reasons for the development of cholecystitis are intense physical activity, stress, overeating. To diagnose the problem, an abdominal ultrasound scan and a blood test will be prescribed.
Olga Fomina, Anna Gerasimenko
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