
Anyone can be fired, no matter how experienced, hardworking and productive we are. Psychologist Marty Nemko tells what to do if you are unemployed.

When we lose a job, we inevitably experience stress. Reduced self-esteem, which is directly related to success at work. Anger, impotence, apathy are the faithful companions of the unemployed. How to deal with a crisis situation?

Use the energy of anger to find a new job

I am not close to the position that, having lost a job, you need to pause, realize what happened and carefully consider the next steps. Experience with 5200 clients shows that when you think, you don’t get angry. And the energy of anger is an effective engine for finding a suitable job. It is necessary to strike while the iron is hot, and not be tormented by doubts.

Interestingly, many people know about the upcoming dismissal in advance, but do nothing. Such people look for the wisest solution, immerse themselves in thought, become discouraged, and in the end they never come up with anything better than the original plan. In fact, every working person should think about what he will do if he is suddenly fired.

If you can’t figure out what to do next, ask: what lessons can I learn from the situation? What went wrong at your previous job? What are my strengths and weaknesses? What would I like to get from my future job? What conditions will I not agree to for any money? These questions will help you define your goal.

Insist on favorable terms for terminating an employment contract

Employees are afraid to sue for illegal dismissal. Especially those who belong to the «risk group»: women, men over 40, people with disabilities … To avoid litigation, many employers offer a compromise: several salaries, insurance extensions, good recommendations.

If the employer does not offer compensation for dismissal, demand it yourself, do not sign documents in a hurry. Take a couple of days to think and consult with a lawyer.

Prepare a story

Employers prefer to hire those who are currently working. Hiring an unemployed person means taking the risk that he was fired because he did not cope with his duties. Recommendations can also not always be trusted: some unemployed people give contacts of friends and relatives who are ready to confirm the qualifications of a “former colleague”.

Think about what you will write in cover letters and say in interviews. It’s better to tell the truth. It’s not even that it’s unethical to cheat: sooner or later, deception can be revealed, which will put you in a bad light. And of course, a real story always sounds better and more believable than a beautiful lie.

Losing a job has a good side: a new stage in life begins

Even if the reason for your dismissal is not very pleasant: malpractice or a serious mistake due to which the company suffered losses, tell the potential employer about it. Reassure him that this will not happen again. Describe your successes and ask for a chance. Perhaps you will be refused, and more than once. But sooner or later there will be someone who appreciates honesty, and later working qualities.

Stress and despondency are constant companions of dismissal. But the loss of a job also has a positive side: a new stage in life begins. Change your attitude to work, focus on your strengths, rethink your weaknesses and look for a job that will help you achieve your goals and fulfill yourself.

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