What to do if water gets into the ear and does not come out
Swimming in any body of water can be overshadowed by the flow of fluid into the ear. Often, “folk” ways to solve a problem lead to a worsening of the situation. Let’s figure out what to do if water gets into the ear and does not come out

When water enters the ear, it can get stuck in the winding passages. Gradually, the sulfur that every person has in their ears swells, and it becomes even more difficult to remove water. There may be a feeling of congestion, hearing loss, the sound of water flowing, pain.

This complication is also called “swimmer’s ear”. It is difficult to avoid this – the bathing cap does not fit too tightly to the head. There are special earplugs for swimming, you can try them. But if water does get into the ear, it must be properly removed.

Water can flow quite shallowly – into the external auditory canal. From there it is easy to remove it. But the symptoms are quite frightening: gurgling, burning. Some are afraid that the water has flowed through the ear right into the head. But this cannot be – the brain is located far behind the eardrum, and then behind the middle and inner ear. Water cannot pass through all these barriers.

Worse if the liquid has reached the middle ear. It cannot leak from the outside – the middle ear is closed by the eardrum. But bypassing the water will get to him. The nose opens into the Eustachian tube, which leads directly to the middle ear. This pipe is needed to equalize the pressure that presses on the membrane from the outside so that they do not “fall through” due to a possible difference. Through the Eustachian tube, when diving and choking on the nose, water can be thrown directly into the middle ear. This problem is more serious, shooting pains and congestion are added to the symptoms.

And the third complication when water gets into the ear is swelling of the sulfur plug. Despite the fact that the water has already flowed out, tinnitus and congestion sometimes continue to bother. This is due to the fact that the sulfur swells and fills the ear canal. Trying to remove it is not worth it – usually the sulfur plug is clogged even deeper. An ENT doctor uses a special syringe for washing and ear drops to remove sulfur.

Step by step guide

To begin with, listen to your feelings, pay attention at what point there was a sensation of water getting into the ear. This will help determine how serious the situation is and where the water may have ended up. And first you can try to remove moisture in safe ways.

They help if the water is shallow. And the sooner you remove it from there, the better. If the sulfur plug swells or if the liquid has gone deeper, most likely, it will not be possible to solve the problem without the help of a doctor.

Jump on one leg

The method is funny, but it can really help. A little shaking will help the water move through the winding passages.

Jump on the side where the ear is blocked. At the same time tilt your head to the shoulder. You don’t need to jump for a long time, it didn’t work right away – go to the following methods.

Lie on your side

If you are not a fan of activities, you can immediately try to remove the water in this way. Lie down on the side of the affected ear – it will be down for a long time. Under the force of gravity, water can come out.

Swallowing movements, light yawning will help speed up the process.

Dry your ear

If water does not come out of the ear, you can dry it. To do this, make a thin flagellum from dense cotton wool or soft matter and insert it shallowly into the ear. Do not try to push it deeper, do not rub it inside. Just wait a bit for the water to soak into the fabric.

If this does not help, there is another way. Rarely, but still it helps some. Pull back the earlobe to open up the ear canal more. Direct a jet of air from a hair dryer there.

You need to keep the hair dryer at a great distance and set the temperature to a little warm, so as not to overheat and freeze the ear.

Contact your doctor

If discomfort persists or new symptoms appear, immediately contact the ENT. You can no longer cope on your own without risk and harm, and the problem may worsen during this time.

The ENT will quickly figure out the cause of persistent ear congestion – remove the sulfuric plug, prescribe the necessary drops.

Popular questions and answers

Such a trifle as water in the ear can cause a lot of trouble and develop into a serious illness. Read more about what to do if water gets into the ear and does not come out, tell ambulance doctor Mikhail Konevsky.

What complications can there be if water is not removed from the ear?

Bacteria multiply rapidly in warm and humid environments. Therefore, infection is the main complication. Inflammation of the middle ear – otitis, is very painful and dangerous. There may also be inflammation of the external ear, which is accompanied by itching and pain. It can only be treated by a doctor.

If the sulfur plug swells, then the feeling of congestion and hearing loss do not go away for a long time. It is much easier to remove the cork from the ENT.

How long does it take to contact an ENT?

By feeling. The water can dry out or come out very quickly, and sometimes it takes a couple of days. If there is no pain and signs of inflammation, then you can wait a day. But if the congestion does not go away, there are “shooting” pains and discomfort – you should immediately visit a doctor. The water in all reservoirs is not sterile and it is possible that an infection has penetrated along with it.

How not to remove water from the ear?

Do not try to clean your ears with your fingers or cotton swabs. Thus, you do not remove water, but only collect sulfur in lumps that close the ear canal. Irritation of the skin in the ear canal increases the production of sulfur, which further complicates the matter.

Nails or a stick can accidentally injure the skin and eardrum – then an infection is inevitable.

Also, you can not drip various self-made drops, alcohols, acids into your ears. Incorrectly selected concentration and amount of the drug will lead to a burn and possibly damage the membrane.

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