What to do if there is a white bloom on the leaves of a rose

What to do if there is a white bloom on the leaves of a rose

White bloom on roses should alert you. It not only spoils the appearance of the flower, but is also a sign of illness. Actions to save the bush must be taken immediately.

Why does a white bloom appear on the leaves of a rose

If such a problem appears, then your bush is sick or attacked by pests. On the bushes, roses can be parasitized by spider mites, pink scale insects or leafhoppers. These pests carry diseases, reduce the immunity of the plant and lead to its death.

If a white bloom appears on the roses, these areas need to be removed.

What to do if a white bloom appears on the roses

White leaves may indicate the defeat of the bushes with powdery mildew or gray mold. The first disease appears as a result of improper care, namely:

  • waterlogging of the soil;
  • excess nitrogen fertilizers in the ground;
  • drought and hot weather;
  • thickening of landings.

Gray rot appears at low air temperatures and high humidity. The main symptom of the disease is whitish-gray spots that begin to rot over time. The affected leaves fall off.

If the bush is sick with powdery mildew, then the leaf plates, stems and buds will turn white. Flowering will stop and the leaves will curl. Spots that look like mold will appear on the back of the sheet.

The sooner you start treating a rose, the more likely it is to save it. All affected areas of the bush, even the stems, must be removed and immediately burned. They can no longer be saved.

Be sure to treat the bushes with chemicals. The choice of remedy depends on the cause of the rose disease. The disease can be defeated if you strictly adhere to the dosage and treatment regimen, which are given in the instructions.

At the initial stage, you can get by with home remedies:

  • Horsetail decoction. Pour 1 kg of fresh grass with 10 liters of water. After a day, boil the broth for 30 minutes. Dilute 1: 5 with water and spray the roses.
  • Nettle decoction. Pour 1 kg of grass with 5 liters of water. Insist 10 days. Dilute 1:10 with water.
  • Soap solution. Pour 300 g of grated laundry soap with 8 liters of boiling water. In a separate bowl, dilute 30 g of copper sulfate with water. Pour it into the nettle infusion.
  • Colloidal sulfur solution. Dissolve 100 g of the substance in 10 liters of water.

Process 3 times with a break of 10 days.

If the entire bush is affected, remove it. Even strong means will not help in this case.

To easily get rid of white bloom on roses, regularly inspect the bushes. If you notice a small white spot, treat the flower immediately. Do not forget about the prevention of rose diseases.

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