What to do if the wound does not heal for a long time

What to do if the wound does not heal for a long time

Scratches and abrasions usually heal without worry. But if the wound does not heal for too long, steps must be taken to stop the inflammation.

Even if you have treated damaged skin, it does not guarantee quick healing.

If the wound does not heal, this may be due to:

  • infection. It happens that an infection gets inside. This can happen during and after injury. That is why special handling and dressing is so necessary;

  • diabetes. With this ailment, the skin recovers very slowly. First, the site of injury dries up, creating the illusion of recovery. But what if a diabetic’s wound does not heal for a long time? Here it is necessary to treat the underlying disease, make the right diet, apply special ointments;

  • avitaminosis. Deficiency of essential elements, especially vitamins A and B group, leads to long wound healing. In this case, you should consult a doctor so that he picks up the necessary vitamin complex;

  • age. The older a person is, the longer it takes for damaged tissues to heal. Elderly people need more thorough wound care.

Frequent stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, reduced immunity and bad habits do not contribute to rapid healing.

What to do if the wound does not heal for a long time

For large wounds, you need to see a specialist, minor injuries can be treated at home. What to do to speed up your recovery?

To do this:

  1. Immediately after injury, treat the damaged area with any antiseptic. Iodine or brilliant green will do. It is advisable to rinse every day. You can use hydrogen peroxide or furacilin solution.

  2. Distinguish between dry and wet wounds. They need to be treated in different ways. For wet varieties products with a jelly-like consistency are suitable. This shape allows excess fluid to escape, and the wound dries up gradually. Dry damageon the contrary, they are treated with ointments having a creamy consistency. The fats in their composition form a protective film and prevent the penetration of microbes inside. From medicines, it is worth giving preference to solcoseryl or actovegin.

  3. Call for help from recipes of traditional medicine. Resin-gum, mixed with butter in a 1: 1 ratio, helps well. The mixture should be applied to the wound 2 times a day.

Eplan is considered an effective tool, which is available in different forms: cream, liniment, solution.

After learning what to do if the wound does not heal, immediately begin treatment. And then very soon the integrity of the skin will be restored.

Traumatologist, clinic “Family”

– Open skin lesions require proper treatment. It is enough to rinse the resulting small abrasions with plenty of clean water, treat with an antiseptic and use an aseptic plaster.

In the case of deeper cuts, especially with objects whose cleanliness is in doubt, it is important not only to properly treat the wounds, but also go to the nearest medical facility or emergency room for the administration of the tetanus vaccine. If you run into broken glass, a nail, or if you have any head injuries, you should definitely seek the help of a doctor.

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