Tonsils (tonsils) play the role of a protective redoubt, they do not allow bacteria and microbes to enter the body. But sometimes these organs themselves can become the spread of infection. To alleviate the patient’s condition, you need to know exactly what to do if the tonsils are inflamed. First of all, it is worth visiting a doctor so that he can diagnose and prescribe treatment. But some procedures can be done at home as well.
The content of the article:
Causes of the disease
Home Treatment
Why you can’t self-medicate if your tonsils hurt
Glands became inflamed after coronavirus
Glands become inflamed after wisdom tooth extraction: causes and treatment
How to treat chronic tronzillitis
Tonsillectomy – how is tonsil removal?
How to distinguish sore throat from coronavirus
First you need to find out the cause of the disease. The nature of the treatment will depend on it. Thus, viral infections do not require the use of antibiotics. You just need to drink more fluids, ventilate the room and gargle.
But if the culprit of the disease is a bacterial infection, then taking antibiotics is necessary
In addition, you will have to do a bacterial analysis – a throat swab. There is also a fungal infection, with which the tonsils are treated with special antifungal solutions.
The following reasons can provoke inflammation:
Communicating with people who have already been infected
Poor quality food with low protein
Weakening of immunity
Harmful working conditions such as gas or smoke
Bad habits, in particular, consumption of large quantities of cigarettes
All this can lead to inflammation of the tonsils.
What can be done at home if the tonsils are inflamed
All measures that you will use must be agreed with your doctor.
Usually, with inflammation of the glands, they are prescribed:
Rinses. The simplest solution: take a teaspoon of baking soda and salt. Stir them in a glass of warm water and add 10 drops of iodine. You can buy propolis or calendula tincture at the pharmacy and add a few drops to warm water. In the first 2 days, the interval between rinses should be no more than half an hour, on subsequent days, the procedure should be repeated 5 times a day.
Inhalation. Essential oils of coniferous trees will help here. Add them to boiling water at the rate of 2-3 drops per 1 liter of water, you need to breathe healing vapors for 20 minutes. For children, it is better to replace essential oils with decoctions of St. John’s wort, calendula, mint, and shorten the procedure to 5-7 minutes. Simple soda is also suitable: 1 tsp. you need to dissolve in a liter of hot water and breathe in pairs for 10-15 minutes.
Warming up. Make bags of fabric and fill them with heated salt, apply to the sore spot and keep until cool. This remedy perfectly replaces mustard plasters. You can steam your feet in a dry mustard solution. After such procedures, you need to wrap your throat. A warm scarf or woolen shawl will do, and socks should be worn on your feet.
Now you know what to do if the tonsils are inflamed.
All of these methods will complement medication and bring relief.
Expert Opinion
Why it is impossible to self-medicate, says Olga Makulova, an expert at, a physician at the Semeynaya clinic1.
Physician at the Semeynaya clinic
With any malaise and suspicion of ARVI, self-medication is in no case possible. It is necessary to see a doctor to determine the nature of the infection. The disease begins abruptly and develops rapidly. It is caused by viruses, each of which is capable of infecting certain parts of the body: the nasopharynx suffers from some, conjunctivitis develops from others. Moreover, immediately regardless of the measures that the patient and his doctor will take. Therefore, the opinion that if a sore throat is not cured in time, the infection will “go down” and bronchitis will begin, is a delusion. This is impossible, since diseases are caused by different pathogens. This means that in each case there are specific features of the treatment.
Also interesting to read: the skin dries.
Can there be angina with coronavirus and after? It is known that one of the main symptoms of coronavirus is coughing. Some patients report persistent sore throats for weeks, hence the belief that circulates online that COVID-19 is causing the glands to become inflamed.
Indeed, it has already been noted that the new coronavirus is capable of provoking a general malfunction in the body and activating any chronic human diseases in the form of gastritis, bronchitis, including tonsillitis. However, this issue still needs to be studied. And to say that the coronavirus provokes chronic tonsillitis is definitely too early.
Those who have chronic long-term inflammation of the pharyngeal and palatine tonsils are more likely to get a complication in the form of tronzillitis. So, if you go to the ENT doctor several times a year, you should be especially vigilant during a pandemic.
Those with chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis and pharyngitis are more susceptible to throat complications during cold seasons and in the current coronavirus environment. Especially after the postponed coronavirus. After all, this is a serious disease that can affect different systems of the body. To prevent the disease of the tonsils, it is necessary, as prescribed by the ENT, to wash the palatine tonsils 1-2 times a year, preferably in the neutral season, choose the time in autumn or spring. If you do get sick, you need to be treated as directed by an otolaryngologist, he will prescribe rinsing the throat, rinsing the nose, and lozenges.
Now everyone needs to pay attention to the weaknesses of their bodies and strengthen their health in order to safely get vaccinated in the near future. This is the only way we can reduce the incidence of coronavirus, not get sick ourselves and not infect others.
Glands become inflamed after wisdom tooth extraction: causes and treatment
If the throat hurts after the removal of a wisdom tooth, then doctors consider this one of the possible reactions of the body. In this case, you should not consider inflammation of the tonsils dangerous after visiting the dentist:
The pain syndrome after the extraction of a wisdom tooth is already a small operation, and the pain from it is natural, however, it indicates that the vessels in that area have undergone overstrain, which usually causes a sore throat or bleeding does not pass for a long time. A decoction of chamomile, a solution of rotocan or chlorophyllipt (oil) usually helps to cope with this post-syndrome, – explained the sanitary doctor Nikolai Dubinin.
Simply put, the cause of inflammation of the glands in this case is swelling of the throat, since the wisdom tooth is closest to the throat.
The swelling then spreads to the back of the throat and affects the nerves in the mouth. Receptors on the mucous membrane transmit a signal to the brain, like a sore throat. Hence such sensations arise, – explains Igor Manevich2, doctor-otorhinolaryngologist.
Inna Virabova, a dental surgeon at the Boston Institute of Aesthetic Medicine, recalls: if in the case of angina, bacteria are the cause, then in this case it is only a temporary increase in tissue, which disappears over time.
It should be remembered that often the extraction of the eighth teeth is a rather complicated operation, which means that complications are possible. That is why, if for a long time after removal you feel a persistent sore throat, and possibly even growing, then you should immediately consult a dentist for an examination and exclude the likelihood of complications. By the way, after the removal of similar teeth in the upper jaw, pain can occur in the palate, which often frightens patients. That is why most of the dental surgeons recommend their patients to come for an examination after the operation after 1-3 days from the moment of its performance, – explained Inna Virabova4.
How to treat chronic tronzillitis
Untreated illness, smoking and alcohol, and food can aggravate the situation.
It is important to drink plenty of water, not tea or coffee, but pure filtered water, this improves not only the condition of the skin, but also the lymphatic system, of which the tonsils are an important part. It is also important to give up bad habits. In addition to smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, they also include eating sunflower seeds, for example, – said the sanitary doctor Nikolai Dubinin3.
The effective and best prevention of chronic tonsillitis is the sanitation of the tonsils. A patient with such a diagnosis should visit an ENT doctor at least twice a year, who will help to wash off purulent plugs from the tonsils, remove cysts and, if necessary, carry out laser ablation of the tonsils.
Such prophylaxis is necessary to avoid highly unwanted tonsillectomy. In addition to sanitation, a patient with chronic tonsillitis must annually do a clinical blood test, a general urine test, an ECG study, so as not to miss complications in the heart, kidneys and joints, which are often caused by untreated chronic tonsillitis, ” explains Igor Manevich, otorhinolaryngologist.
Tonsillectomy – how is tonsil removal?
There are two similar terms associated with tonsil removal:
Tonsillotomy – when the tonsils are not completely removed. Such an operation is most often performed on children, the doctor removes part of the enlarged tonsils, returning them to their normal size.
Tonsillectomy – The tonsils are removed completely.
For adults, the operation is performed under local anesthesia, that is, doctors locally treat the throat with an anesthetic. But when a child needs an operation, it is often impossible to do without general anesthesia. Small children can twitch, get scared and hurt themselves during the operation.
Even a classic operation using a scalpel lasts no more than 15 minutes. But there are other techniques as well, for example electrocoagulation, removal of tonsils with an electrode with high-frequency current.
There is even a way to perform the operation with the cold – cryodestruction, liquid nitrogen is used.
Already become a classic laser removal of tonsils.
With radio wave destruction, radio waves cause scarring of tissues, this is one of the ways of non-radical removal of tonsils, quickly, with local anesthesia, but not complete removal.
The two diseases are similar in terms of symptoms. Although in neither case it is impossible to say unequivocally that diseases have the same manifestations in different people. Sore throat, for example, happens without high fever, and coronavirus without coughing.
But if we consider one of the common variants of diseases, then the symptoms are similar: sore throat, cough, high fever. Only a doctor and a test can give an exact answer what kind of disease it is.
There are differences between sore throat and coronavirus, if you look at the symptoms: with COVID-19, the pain can go lower, from the throat to the lungs, and with sore throat, it is pain in the throat. Also, with a sore throat, there is a white coating on the larynx, and in the case of coronavirus, the throat is often red, without plaque, abscesses or ulcers.
It is impossible to diagnose oneself and prescribe treatment, because a person can have two of these diseases at the same time. And there is a feature associated with autoantibodies:
Angina after suffering a coronavirus infection is more likely associated with a decrease in general immunity. But the possible presence of autoantibodies in the blood with angina can lead to an exacerbation of autoimmune chronic diseases. But this is not yet conclusive and poorly understood. Prevention of chronic tonsillitis is an old method of washing the lacunae of the tonsils with medicinal solutions, physiotherapy on the tonsil area – an electromagnet, the use of immunomodulators.
1. Olga Makulova, therapist
2. Igor Manevich, doctor-otorhinolaryngologist
3. Nikolay Dubinin, sanitary doctor, quality director
4. Inna Virabova dental surgeon, employee
5. Timur Muminov, candidate of medical sciences, otolaryngologist