What to do if the temperature is high: tips and videos

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! What if the temperature is high? I hope these tips will definitely help you.

If your thermometer is 37,6 ° C or higher, then there is an inflammatory process in the body. Most people in this situation are doing the wrong thing, trying to immediately knock off the extra degrees.

The fact is that high temperature is a natural protective reaction of the body (subfebrile condition). An unfavorable microclimate is created in the body for the vital activity of pathogens.

If there is heat, then there is a hot struggle inside. The activity of pathogens is blocked and their reproduction is limited. Therefore, do not interfere with taking antipyretic drugs.

Eliminate means that aggravate the situation:

  • alcohol;
  • hot bath, shower or sauna;
  • hot milk with honey;
  • hot tea with raspberries or St. John’s wort;
  • mustard plasters;
  • alcohol compresses;
  • electric blanket.

What to do at high temperatures

If the body temperature is 38-38,5 ° C

  • firstly, you need to drink plenty of fluids (1,5-2,5 liters per day). Clean water dilutes (reduces) the concentration of toxins in the body and promotes their excretion in urine and sweat, as a result, the temperature decreases;
  • drinks should not be hot, only warm;
  • keep your feet in cool water;
  • cold compresses on the forehead, neck, wrists (moisten a cotton towel);
  • lying in bed, wipe the body with lukewarm (+ 30 ° C) water: forehead, face, first one hand, then the other, then legs. You can dilute water with vinegar 1: 5;
  • the patient should wear cotton clothing (T-shirt, socks). These clothes absorb moisture (sweat) easily. Wet linen must be changed to dry linen;
  • at a higher temperature (39 ° C and above), you can start taking antipyretic drugs. Today, the range of antipyretic drugs is quite wide, but perhaps the most famous drug is aspirin, but it must be treated with caution. Popular: Teraflu, ACC, Coldrex;
  • take any medicine as a last resort. Whatever one may say, everything negatively affects our liver, especially antibiotics.

Temperature measurement methods

What to do if the temperature is high: tips and videos

  1. Oral – norm 37 ° C. Place the “nose” of the thermometer under the tongue for 3 minutes. This method will not work for children. Fidgets gnaw at everything that comes in their way.
  2. Rectal – the norm is 37,5 ° C. To measure the temperature rectally, it is necessary to lubricate the tip of the thermometer with oil and insert it into the anus for 1 minute. This method is good for measuring temperature in children under four years of age.
  3. Axillary or traditional method – the norm is from 36 to 37 ° C. The thermometer should be held under the arm for 7-10 minutes.

If the temperature of 37 degrees does not decrease for a long time, you should consult an experienced doctor. Perhaps this temperature indicates the presence of any pathology. Do not self-medicate and take care of yourself!

In this collection of videos, additional and interesting information: What to do if the temperature is high

High Temperature: How to Relieve the Condition?

Friends, now you know what to do if the temperature is high and when it can be brought down. Share your ways in the comments on how to bring down the heat. 😉 Always be healthy! Until next time on the site!

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