What to do if the semi-automatic washing machine does not work

Как и автоматические СМА, полуавтоматы имеют ряд типичных поломок, в которых мы разберемся ниже – вы узнаете причины сбоев и способы устранения распространенных проблем.

Despite the fact that the market is full of modern automatic washing machines, semi-automatic machines have not yet been forgotten. They are happily bought up by summer residents and people living in private houses without running water.

What breakdowns are

A semi-automatic washing machine is considered simpler, but nevertheless, its list of possible breakdowns is impressive. This is provided by a specific design. If a semi-automatic machine does not work, this may be due to a number of reasons.

Engine does not start when spinning

What to do if the semi-automatic washing machine does not work

Burnt contacts or broken wiring that feeds the electric motor can cause a failure. The timer, temperature sensor or motor could break; capacitor or relay responsible for starting the engine. Transformer failure is not ruled out.

And the worn brushes are the cause of the breakdown of the motor of every second CM of a semi-automatic type. In this case, disassembly and repair of the motor is required, accompanied by the replacement of brushes.

The engine is working, the centrifuge is not spinning

What to do if the semi-automatic washing machine does not work

Если СМ с центрифугой не крутится, но работает движок, не факт, что это поломка. Возможно, вы перегрузили бак мокрым бельем. Но может произойти и сбой в работе тормоза, блокирующего барабан.

The drum may also jam due to water overflow or debris, small items, and laundry getting into the tank. Then repair is not needed – just disassemble the tank and remove the foreign body.

The engine is running, the drum is not spinning (Slavda)

What to do if the semi-automatic washing machine does not work

Вероятные причины такого сбоя СМ марки «Славда»:

  • The linen is lumped in a lump and lies on one side, because of which the rotor swings and hits the tank. This blocks the spin and the operation of the machine.
  • Bushings could wear out after a long service life. If they are broken, the rotor does not spin as expected – repair is required.
  • Broken or broken drive belt. You need to put the node in place or replace it.

Machine leaks when spinning

Let’s name 8 reasons for such a failure:

  1. The tank is damaged and leaking.
  2. The fasteners are broken or stretched, the joints of the hoses with the parts of the centrifuge are weakened. Vulnerable point – connecting the hoses to the pump or tank.
  3. The diaphragm is broken or its fastenings are broken.
  4. The cuff on the drain valve has dried out or torn.
  5. The casing of the drainage pump is damaged.
  6. Water drain valve broken.
  7. Damaged pipe or hose.
  8. The lid seals on the drain pump are damaged, so the pump passes water.

Drains poorly or the pump does not work at all

What to do if the semi-automatic washing machine does not work

Causes of drain failure: clogged drain hose or pump. It is not necessary to exclude the breakdown of the impeller – with it, the discharge of water first slows down, and then disappears.

The machine can retain water for a long time also for mechanical reasons that are not breakdowns:

  • В отверстие для слива воды из центрифуги случайно попало белье.
  • The water drain hose is kinked or pinched.

Вода уходит из одного бака в другой

If the water “migrates” from the wash tub into the spin tub, then the overflow hole has failed. A more accurate reason is the wear of the valve gum, which is why water is not retained in the drum. Not without repair.

What to do if the semi-automatic washing machine does not work

Semi-automatic machine does not turn on

When the SM does not start, the cause must be sought in the electrician – it may be a breakdown of the plug, power cord or relay. Often a failure occurs when the motor fails. Requires maintenance and repair of electricians, inspection of the engine.

What to do if the semi-automatic washing machine does not work

Important! This is not a complete list of malfunctions of semi-automatic machines. But often the problems are superficial and are not breakdowns. So, a level sensor failure is eliminated by straightening a pinched drain hose.

What is needed for repair

The list of tools that will be useful to you when repairing a CM depends on the model and breakdown, but for almost any failure, you need the following:

  • passages;
  • a set of screwdrivers “plus” and “minus”;
  • silicone sealant or “cold welding” (CS);
  • tester;
  • heads, open-end wrenches (6-24 mm);
  • round nose pliers.

From the details you will need:

  • capacitor;
  • suitable relay;
  • brushes;
  • drive belt;
  • transformer;
  • баки – для стирки и отжима;
  • хомуты подходящего диаметра;
  • элементы сливной и заливной системы – шланги и патрубки;
  • apertures;
  • “trifle”: cuff, sleeve, valve, etc.

Important! It is worth buying only the part that is needed in a particular case. First determine the breakdown, and then go for spare parts.

How to fix breakdowns with your own hands: instructions

All breakdowns can be ordered to describe the procedure for their elimination. Let’s start with the electrical component.

The scheme below is suitable for any semi-automatic washing machines (with or without rinsing and a centrifuge: Evrika, Saturn, Siberia, Assol, Feya or Slavda):

What to do if the semi-automatic washing machine does not work

On a note. For information on how to disassemble the favorite model of summer residents, read the article “How to disassemble the Baby washing machine.”

If the water inlet does not work, we carry out repair work further:

The problems of moving elements in Slavda (or another brand) are solved as follows:

  • Check the drum – it should not come into contact with the brake. If this happens, it is difficult for the drum to spin, this blocks its speed.
  • Достаньте барабан, чтобы осмотреть бак – в нем могут быть засоры.
  • Inspect the bushings – if a wear is found, change the parts. What to do if the semi-automatic washing machine does not work
  • Check the condition of the drive belt. Its tension should be maximum in order to transmit engine speed to the drum. If damaged, do not try to glue the belt, only replacement is relevant here.

What to do if the semi-automatic washing machine does not work

If at first glance the semi-automatic machine is simple, then in practice you will understand that its repair requires knowledge and experience. By following the instructions, you can repair the washer yourself. And if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to contact a good master.

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