What to do if the finger is swollen and blue: the first steps when the finger swells
The consequences of some ailments can be quickly eliminated with the help of medications, but what to do if the finger is swollen and interferes with work or household chores? In this case, you need to figure out what caused the tumor, and then carry out the necessary procedures.
If the finger is swollen and blue, you need to do lotions or apply ointment
What to do if the finger is swollen and blue: identifying the cause
If a finger or toe has swelling, bruising, or redness, the cause of the injury should be investigated. This is important as improper treatment can make the situation worse.
Similar symptoms may indicate:
- received bruises, fractures or other injuries
- open wound infection
- inflammatory process
- consequence of general edema
- overstrain from repetitive actions
Each case requires a different approach to treatment
The finger on the hand swells: what to do first
Having found out the reason, you can take measures to eliminate the tumor:
- In the event of a fracture, you must immediately consult a doctor. Before arriving at a medical facility, you can build a splint from a pen, ruler or other improvised means, firmly fixing the broken bones. The main thing is that the dimensions of the tire do not exceed the length of the finger.
- If the tumor has arisen due to the accumulation of pus in the wound, it is necessary to disinfect. For this, hydrogen peroxide, a hot solution of salt or soda, a lotion from grated potatoes, and other means are suitable. After cleaning, the wound must be lubricated with streptocide and bandaged. Repeat the procedure as needed
- When the finger is swollen due to joint inflammation, heparin-based medicated ointments should be used. You can also use folk recipes: decoctions of chamomile, calendula, a mixture of honey and flour. Such lotions relieve swelling and reduce pain.
It should be remembered that by eliminating the symptom, you do not get rid of the disease.
If swelling occurs for no apparent reason, seek medical attention.
Due to overvoltage, the finger is swollen, what should I do?
Occasionally, swelling on the finger may appear from overexertion. In this case, it is necessary to give the joint and muscles a rest, apply a cold compress for 20 minutes and ensure the outflow of blood by raising your hand up.
If the work is associated with the manual performance of the same type of actions, it is necessary to regularly do health-improving gymnastics
A swelling on a finger can be a symptom of injury or a result of fatigue. Having determined the cause, you can start treatment.
Also interesting to read: the first symptoms of a cold.
doctor-therapist “CM-Clinic”, Ph.D.
– Problems with fingers and hands can arise from constant work at the computer. An uncomfortable position of the hands while using the mouse and keyboard significantly increases the likelihood of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a common condition in which the median nerve is pinched, resulting in swelling of the tendon or ligament and pain in the arm. If nothing is done about this problem, then the nerve will soon atrophy, which will lead to loss of sensitivity in the fingers.
The syndrome has several symptoms that first appear only in work, when the hand is straining, and then in a calm, relaxed state. This is numbness of the fingers, pain, tingling, feeling of weakness in the hand, “goose bumps”. Later, the muscles, the functioning of which is determined by the median nerve, are affected, and weakness in the fingers and even movement disorders in them occur.
What to do: Make your workplace comfortable. Do special exercises: put your palms together, interlace your fingers and squeeze and unclench them, taking them as far as possible to the side.
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